We were Trapped

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Sky's POV!

     I woke up to, "Sky! There is a man walking around," Skytra whispered. "Its Conan, what should we do?" Caleb whispered as well. I realized that everyone was crowded around me, "can I get up please, then we can take him down from different sides circling him. And Skytra don't look into my eyes, trust me." She looked confused but nodded. 

     After I finally got some space, we all got in our positions. I watched him walk towards Caleb's area. I gave the signal by jumping down, "Hey Conan, looks like the tables have turned. I would love to fight you now, but Caleb gets that honor." Caleb popped out, "Oh, you evil man, you are cornered. Remember the first time you cornered me, I found my true power of earth."

     "Unfortunately son, I'm not cornered, you're just surrounded," Conan laughed. I felt hands grab my arms and put them behind my back, the same was happening to Caleb. "These handcuffs will stop your powers. I knew you'd be here. But, your friends could have been helpful to us," he snarled.

     "Sister, sister. Father never told you about me. We might not share a mother, but we still share a father. Which means I will gain control when you are taken care of," a young males voice giggled. He entered the clearing, he had bright blonde hair and amber eyes. He didn't wear a shirt which I found quite disgusting, and his shorts were barely even dirty. 

     "You disgusting creature, you and I are related. Unbelievable that Saturn would stoop so low to be with your mother that was probably a pile of trash. How about you get these off of my hands and you face me or are you too weak, to go against a girl?" He growled, "I could defeat you any day! I just want it to be an actual fight!" 

     Caleb laughed, "you couldn't defeat her you wimp. No one could, I can only stand in an area for an hour." I smiled, I knew he could defeat me if he played his cards right. I started to be dragged away, "fine see you then you mutt." 

     After a long while of walking, we came up to a large wooden building. "The castle of cats my sister, you will be either executed or forced into marriage. Your choice really," I rolled my eyes, "What about the battle, mutt." He flared, "that will happen before the wedding or execution. If you die, well too bad. But, I inherited this kingdom, you will get it next if you beat me."

     I laughed, "I don't kill. To many, my punishment is much worse." I didn't realize I was already near some underground cells. "You will stay here, with sir annoying. Because you are his counterpart, you die, he dies as well. Or we could torture him forever," He smirked.

     "Why are you trying to force my hand in marriage, idiot?" I asked truly mad now. "Because," he laughed maniacally, "I need to rule over more land, you will easily make a good wife for their prince."He pushed me into a cell, after Caleb was in his, "See you sister."

                    -The rest of the group-

     They approached the castle slowly, in fear of getting caught. "Did you hear that? Forcing Sky's hand in marriage. How horrible!" Winter exclaimed, overhearing the conversations. "Yes Winter, we all heard it, and we all know she needs to get out of there, and so does Caleb. Who would be more important?" Rex asked himself. 

    "They're both important! They will just kill the other one," Skytra answered. The others agreed sadly. "They were your leaders weren't they?" Skytra asked in a quiet voice. They both nodded. "Yeah, they were. We could trust them to have our backs, plus they were supposed to be all powerful," Winter replied. "Then let's get them back," Rex replied. 

                    -Sky and Caleb-

     "We're stuck, aren't we?" Caleb asked. "Nope, I have trust in them, plus I can still take him down in that battle," I laughed. "Ugh," he whined. I stared at him angrily. "So you have siblings?" He asked looking back at me. I looked away mad he brought that up. I stayed quiet as a punishment. 

The White Wolves (OLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora