Mr. Howl

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Sky's POV!

     He turned to look at me, "You've got spunk kid, but I've got your family. You choose now or I do." I personally didn't like my odds, "How about you drop him." said an unfamiliar voice. It may have been hard to see for a human eye, but I saw it perfectly a rock broke through the soil attacking the man. Dropping what was said to be my father. "Hey! Get out of there! I've got this!" I saw where the voice was coming from this time, a young man about my age. He had dark pure black hair and amber eyes that looked as if they could cut you. 

     It seemed three seconds after he said this he was attacked. I jumped up the rock in three steady bounds. I leaped towards the wolf that was now on top of the young man. Knocking him away. I kicked the wolf in the gut, sending it flying into a tree. As the young my watched my back, punching a rabid wolf ten feet away. "We have to get out of here! It's the only way to save your pack!" 

     A hand grabbed my wrist. "Hey!" I shouted clearly angry this was my pack I was going to fight! "We have to go! We will save your pack I promise!" He said in a rush but in a calming voice. I nodded, and he let go of my wrist. "Come get me if you can losers!" The male shouted. I ran into the woods and heard him running on my tail. "The only ones still there are pureblood wolves. We should be able to outrun them, and your pack should be able to defend itself. No need to worry." I started to hate his calm voice. 

     After a while of running, we came to a mountain. He looked up, "you can climb right, or miss legend isn't all they say she is?" He asked joking, but I started to feel like he could read my mind, "beat ya to the top!" I bounded upward the male on my heals. "You know, I never caught your name," I sated trying to distract him. "That doesn't really matter does it?" He said in a nervous tone.

     "Of course it does! You know mine! Plus you helped me." "Fine, it's Caleb Howl." I burst out laughing. The name Howl for a mix, a little obvious, "You already know my name mister Howl." I giggled. "Yeah, yeah." Before I realized it we were at the top of the mountain. The sunset was beautiful from here, "We need a place to camp out. Now."  "Right there," he states pointing to a well-hidden moss covered cave. "Great! Now you need one," I said jokingly.

     How was I supposed to train when I'm out here, is my pack alright? Can I trust this guy?

The White Wolves (OLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora