A Tree Fort.

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Sky's POV!

     I put my backpack down to pull the blanket out of it. I controlled the air to lift me into the air, as soon as I was in a tree I asked Caleb, "I need small sharp rocks, can you get any?" Before he even replied Winter chimed in, "I can get some!" "Oh no..." I heard Rex whisper. Winter closed her eyes and six small ice chunks appeared in her hand. I flew them up here, also using the air to spear the tree.

      After a couple of seconds they started to melt, "Hey we-" I'm on it..." Rex interrupted as five small metals appeared at his feet, "These shouldn't melt so easily." I removed the ice and stuck the metals in, "Thanks, but toss up another blanket!" 

     As soon as the other blanket was tightly stretched between another group of trees I flew to the ground, tying sticks together tightly with vines. "How are you so good at this?" Caleb mentioned. "I was taught to weave when I was becoming queen, so now I know how to tie well, and how to make emergency huts if we need them. I used two more gems securing the ladder to the tree. I flew up as the others climbed.

     "So I'm guessing girls on one side dudes on the other?" Rex asked. "Yeah, I don't trust Mr. Howl enough, sorry," I laughed. Caleb just shook his head. "Next plan of action Ms. Legend?" He asked in a stupid calm voice. "Why do you always have a calm voice, I hate it!" I barked at him. "I know," he said sounding calmer than usual. I waved my arm at him making him all out of the tree, and onto a bush. 

     "Well then... We should eat something, I bet all this anger is starving related..." Winter suggested nervously. I eyed Caleb suspiciously as he climbed back up. I rummaged through the bags, finding no food, "Ummm, Winter did you forget to pack the food?" I wondered out loud. "I packed the food I'm sure of it!" She blurted. 

     While she looked through the bags I floated to the ground. I snatched a long tree limb off the forest floor and some long vines. I created a quick net, hoping that the water was a habitat for good fish, "Rex and Caleb, do you know how to start a fire?" I asked staring at the water, staring at some really big fish. 

     "Caleb? How did you do that?" Winter marveled. I looked back and a fire was already going, with Caleb sitting behind it, staring at his palms amused. I got even angrier, if he was my counterpart, he was learning quicker than me, and I couldn't allow it. "Nice job, Mr. Howl," murmured under my breath. "I heard that you know!" He exclaimed. 

     I swung my hand towards the water hoping the water, hoping my net would catch fish by itself. Instead, the water in the pond rushed to the other side. Amused I swept my hand back, sending some water, and several fish our way. "Water versus Fire I guess, hey bud." I turned flashing my most crooked smile. 

    "Oh, you're on fish face!" He beamed. Winter sitting at the top of the trees, along with Rex who had just scrambled up, watched us 'battle,' flying water and fire at the other person, and sometimes rocks, or other things we could throw. 

     After a long while, we calmed as the sun was setting. I quickly flew up to the fort, and tried and succeeded at flying Caleb up as well, along with the fish Rex volunteered to clean and gut them. After eating our diner Winter asked, "How long have you guys known each other? Nope never mind, Sky how did you get to the white wolf pack?"

     I quickly explained my start as a mix, with Caleb helping out, filling in the moments I forgot because I passed out. When getting to the part where I drained someone of their power, everyone flinched, including me. Had I really done that? I let Caleb get to the part of where we met them, considering I was so shocked at what I did. "So whats with the Mr. Howl thing?" Rex asked completely curious about the really weird story.

     I laughed in the best maniacal voice I could muster, "it's his last name, so I'm not wrong." Winter giggled. "But, if you two ever call me that, I will kill you," Caleb threatened calmly.

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