Can't find the nerve to say its alright

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Chapter Twenty
Title from Your Bed by All Time Low.

I sighed as Dr.Grace explained the "game" we were about to play. The silly self esteem exercise isn't going to help me love and respect myself, the way she claims it will.

I looked at Alex as we sat on completely opposite ends of the same couch.
This is my couch, I hope he didn't expect me to not sit here.
I know Vic was already disappointed that I was here, but I tried not to take it personally.

I'm scheming things to say to different people, but all I can come up is negative things, which I can't do.
What am I supposed to write?
"Hey, you annoy the hell out of me"

A nurse handed me and Alex books, pieces of paper and a pencil. I jotted my name on the top, feeling rather nervous about the comments I would receive.

They all hate me.

"Okay, pass your paper clockwise" Dr.Grace said. Alex passed his paper to me, and I awkwardly grabbed it and put it down on my book.

What am I supposed to say?
I have to compliment him. I might as well be honest.

"You aren't annoying. You're attractive. You don't pry" was my note to him, letting him know that he needs to stay as he is. If he gets anymore nosy I won't be able to handle it.
Hopefully that wasn't too gay.

And I really do think he's attractive, and that might be a problem.

After Alex's paper, he handed me Rian's paper. I was contemplating putting "no comment" on everyone else's paper.
"You have a good music taste, and a nice smile. Good luck in the outside world" I wrote. Rian has always been nice to me, meaning he doesn't really whisper about me. I know he likes Blink 182 because he mentioned it in group once.

Next was Andrew. He's been here for awhile longer than people usually stay, and I have a feeling that he might be the only one that actually suspects I have an eating disorder. Of course, he doesn't talk unless it's in group.
"You don't give me a headache" I wrote, and waited for Dr.Grace to tell us to pass it before I did.

The next paper I got was Vic's. shit.
"You seem pretty cool, I'm sorry for what Danny did to you back in school" I wrote. I should've done something more to stop Danny. I was confused and afraid.

Next paper was Jonny, and I really didn't know what to say to him.
"You're nice to people, even if you don't know them"
It was an unspoken thank you to him, because even though I don't like him, I can tell that it really helped Alex on his first day. Especially when I was an asshole to him.
I looked up as Dr.Grace stood over me. I assume she was seeing if I was actually writing, and she smiled when she saw what I put.

Was she expecting me to be rude?

Next I got Hunters paper. This time I really did put "no comment" and leave it as that.
Hunter likes to ask me what's wrong with me in front of an entire group of people, and it's quite embarrassing. I know that he thinks he's better than everyone.

Alex handed me Josh's paper next. All I could think about was when he had his little breakdown in the day room.
"You're really unique" I put, mostly about his hair and silly attitude.

After Josh came Oli. I glanced at Alex as he wrote on the paper I would receive next. I looked at Oli next.
"You seem really chill" I wrote. I haven't seen much of Oli, he keeps to himself a lot, and that's a favorable trait when it comes to people in here.

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