Sinking feeling

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Chapter Thirteen
Title from Stella by All Time Low.

"Try to get better, okay honey?" My mom said, letting her eyes water but wiping it before her makeup was ruined. I nod.

"We'll miss you, but it's for the best" my dad said. I nod.

"I love you, baby brother. I'll be here when you get out" May said lastly, hugging me quickly before letting me go.

Please. I don't want to go. I would prefer to waste away in my own home.

I got to go to school one last day so I could get my things from my locker, and my mind is still swarming with Danny. He asked where I was going.

I gave him no reply.

I turned back to the doctor that was standing at the desk, she had a smile that I precieved as fake. She's probably eyeing me, wondering the same thing everyone else wonders: Why?

"Hey, Jack! I'm Dr.Grace, and I'll be your psychiatrist during your stay here" she said in a pleasant tone. She talks to me in a way that makes me feel small, young.

I'm in here for my eating problems, not to retake kindergarten.

She reached her hand out, initiating a handshake. This is the person thats going to help me? The one that'll magically make me want to gain weight? No.

I didn't accept the handshake, causing her to give me a squinty eyed look that I despise. "Alright, well, lets go up and get things started" she said enthusiastically. I carried my bag, following her into the elevator. I noticed as she clicked the second to last button on the elevator. Why so high up? Not that i'm complaining.

"You'll be in room 182 with a nice young man named Zack" she said as we waited in the elevator.

We have to share rooms? Shit. 182 immediately brought my mind to Blink 182, my favorite band of all time. I listened to them this morning, and last night and literally everyday of my life before that.

"But first, i'll show you around" she said, stepping out of the elevator first. The hall that I stepped into was completely empty, aside from a few nurses that were working at a cluttered counter placed directly in the middle of the hall.

"Hey, Mrs.Jett! Meet my new patient, Jack" Dr.Grace said in a falsly sweet tone as a nurse walked over. She had black hair and a sweet smile that didn't feel so fake.

"Hey Jack" she said, looking me in the eye, and then glancing down at my bag. "Here, I'll take this, and i'll make sure it gets to your room after it's checked" she said, taking the bag from me.

They're going to check my stuff?

Dr.Grace lead me to a room just down the hall, still visable from the nurses counter. The room had only three people in it. The first thing I noticed was the amount of couches, there were couches lined up together in every which way, and each of them were a turqouise color that always reminded me of hospitals. There was a TV hanging on the wall, but nothing was playing on it. There were three tables lined up behind one of the couches, and each table had two chairs to go with it, and the last noticable thing about the room was the windows. "This is the recreation room, it's also called the day room. During the day when you aren't in the cafeteria or the group therapy room, you can choose between here and your room to spend your free time in. In this room you have the opprotunity to interact with other patients, but there is a no touching rule that is strictly enforced. If you make physical contact with another patient, points will be taken off of your daily grade, and if it happens more than once we'll have to enforce a five foot seperation rule. This room will be open from seven in the morning to eleven at night" she explained slowly, looking at me to make sure that I understood.

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