Didn't know love yet

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Chapter Sixteen
Title from Good Times by All Time Low
(Skipping about eight months because Jack is inpatient for a full year before Alex comes in, annnd he does have to come in eventually ((don't worry you missed nothing but him being an asshole to his psychiatrist))

"Jack, please come to attend recreational therapy in the day room" Mrs.Jett poked her head in, smiling at me.

I let my head fall back with a sigh before getting up. I looked over to the now empty bed, where Justin was just a few hours ago before he was released.

Thank God.

I don't know how many more roommates I'll have, but if they're anything like him, I'll probably actually get better so I can actually get away from him.

He wasn't too bad, he just asked what was wrong with me about every other day, and he went through my stuff, and that made me uncomfortable. He worst part about him, was that he wasn't scared when I was an asshole to him. He only shut up for about a day before he was back to trying to figure me out.
I don't know why people here seem to have an obsession with what bad things I've done to myself.

I've seen several people come and go, and I've picked up on several things. Several secrets and things they don't tell the patients up front. Most patients figure it out anyways.

No one that was here when I first came is still here, in fact the people who came in after those people aren't still here either.

Well, except for Andrew, he got here four months after me and he's still here.

I got up out of my bed, and shuffled myself down the hall to the day room. God, I hate movie day.

The whole room smells of popcorn.

"Hey, Jack, glad you could join us. We're watching Back To The Future" Dr.Grace said with a smile. I merely glanced at her before I sat down on the couch that was against the same wall the TV was on. I don't need to watch the movie, and because you can't see the movie from here there wasn't anyone to share the couch with.
Popcorn was passed out to everyone who accepted it, and I already knew that if you didn't eat it, you lost points. I declined anyways. I've already lost way too many points for an A.

While I looked around the room, I noticed a new face and when I kept looking I noticed another face that wasn't quite new to me, but it was new to this place.

Mikes older brother.

God, when did these guys get here?
I guess I really should be paying attention in group therapy.

In almost an instant, Mikes brother met my eyes. What's his name? Vic? I think that's what Danny called him.

I didn't break eye contact with him.

The other new guy was sitting two spots away from him, beside Josh. He was pale with ginger hair and a growing beard. I never understood beards on high schoolers.

Vic obviously recognizes me. I couldn't help but notice how afraid he looked. I could almost see him trembling. His eyes were big and innocent the way I remember them when Danny was beating up on him.
Why are you here?

Did it finally get to him?

The other guy looked laid back and chill, he was talking to Josh about something and every now and then he would say something to Oliver. The new guy is fitting in well, I suppose.

They Told You To Stay Away (Jalex)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant