Mr. Medina looked to his register "Miss. Gilmore, and... uh, Miss. Gilmore, could you both come up here please?" He smiled as the sister's approached his desk as the rest of the class filed out of the room "This is last week's study material." He handed the pair a huge binder crammed full with papers each and Hayden grunted under the weight "There'll be a test on them tomorrow. But since you're new, you can take a makeup test on Monday. Will that be sufficient time?"

Hayden's mouth fell open as she looked to the seemingly endless notes "Monday?"

Rory pinched her "Sure, that's fine."

"That's just an overview." Mr. Medina informed them "You'll find it very helpful to you to borrow one of the other student's personal notes. They tend to be more detailed."

Rory frowned "More detailed than this?"

Mr. Medina smiled sympathetically "It seems daunting right now, I know."

"No, no. It's okay. We'll be fine." Rory assured for the both of them, ushering her frozen sister towards the door before she could protest.

Mr. Medina shook his head with a smile "Remember to get those notes. They'll be a lifesaver."

Hayden stared ahead in shock as Rory pushed her into the hallway "I can't do this."

"You can." Rory assured, moving to stand before her "We'll just borrow someone's notes and—"

"I'm Paris."

At the interruption the pair looked over to see the scowling blonde who'd stolen their files looking between them and Rory's eyes widened "I didn't see you there. Where'd you come from?"

Paris ignored her "I know who you are, too. Lorelai and Hayden Gilmore from Stars Hollow."

Hayden raised an eyebrow "You had a ball with our files didn't you?"

"You can call me Rory." Her sister interjected awkwardly.

Paris narrowed her eyes at her competition "Are you going out for 'The Franklin'?"

"The what?" Rory mumbled

"Nice innocent act." Paris scoffed "At least I know you're not going out for drama club. The Franklin, the school paper, are you going out for it?"

Rory frowned "I have to find my locker first."

"I'm gonna be editor next year." Paris declared.

Rory nodded "Well, good for you."

"Confidence is good." Hayden added as the pair tried to walk away only for the girl to step in front of them.

"I'm also the top of the class, and I intend to be valedictorian when I graduate."

Hayden couldn't help but think 'good luck', she knew Rory would be a contender and would put up one hell of a fight.

"Okay." Rory nodded awkwardly "We're going now."

"You'll never catch up. You'll never beat me." Paris called after the sister's "This school is my domain and 'The Franklin' is my domain. And don't you ever forget that."

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