I wonder what his story is.

With that I was able to eat about half of the pancake, but as soon as I noticed, I started to cry.
I felt tears fall down my face, the same way it's happened here several times.

"Jack, your lip is bleeding" Tammy said, making me look up at her. All of a sudden I could taste the blood, only making me more sick.
I must've bit my lip. I touched it with a finger and noticed that it was bleeding quite a bit for a small cut.

The blood took my mind off of the food and the calories almost instantly, and I took advantage of it. Touching my finger to my lip between each bite until I finished the entire pancake besides the last two or three bites of it.

Then I started to cry again, pushing the tray away from myself. Tammy gave me a sympathetic look and took the tray, leaving me for only a moment before she was back again.

I buried myself under my blankets and let myself cry it out.


I looked up to the boy that made me feel too many things, his hands shook as it was his turn to set goals, and reveal the reason he's here.

He looked lost.

"Uh, my goals are to call my friends and not lose any points.. I'm here for..uh.. three suicide attempts, self harm, depression and anxiety" he rushed. Timidly keeping his eyes on the ground as he spoke.

He tried to kill himself.

I never intentionally tried to die, I just didn't care when I got to that point.

When he looked up to me, I met eyes with him. I wish he didn't come here, it would make it a lot easier for me to not worry about him.

I can't have him worrying about me, I feel like it's out of my control.

"Jack?" Dr.Grace asked as it was my turn. "Do you want to share your goals and the reason you're here?" She asked. I heard a chuckle from a few of the other guys, and a few whispers, but they all paid attention to me.

I shrugged. She sat back and sighed as she took points off, dismissing us afterwards.

I hardly had a second in my room before Dr.Grace pulled me out for therapy. As I sat down in her room she smiled at me, her smile that made me sick.

I scowled at her, watching her smile fall.

"Jack, I want to talk about your great aunt" she spoke.
I began to imagine her as medusa, snakes swarming over her head.
Maybe she has them hidden under a wig?

I ignored her. Completely blocking all of this out of my mind.

I wonder what the weathers like today.

How does she know?

"I talked to your parents over the phone" she started, answering my question as if she could read my mind.
Can her snakes hear my thoughts too?

I fumbled with the bottom of my shirt, paying her no attention.

"I know what she did to you" she said.

"No you don't" I snapped.

"Jack, your parents-"

They Told You To Stay Away (Jalex)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя