Rescued By My Kidnapper 7

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“So let me get this straight, this is an orphanage house and your one of the orphans,” I stated again, letting the words sink into my brain.

“Ugh! Can you just get it in your fucking brain?” Jace cursed in exasperation. I rolled my eyes at his frustration. It was probably the fifth time I repeated the sentence. This was too much for me. Kidnapped and placed hostage in an orphanage.

“Im the getting the hell out of here. I don’t care anymore! I don’t want to get sucked in this stupid hellhole,” I demanded, standing up from the chair. As I rushed to the door in a quick motion, I felt a pair of strong arms picking up my waist and brought me away from the door. I turned my head, having to see Jace smirking at me.

The nerve of some people.

The rush of adrenaline came back to me. I elbowed his stomach with such force that he abruptly released his grip on me and clutched his stomach.

“Bitch.” He murmured.

The scenes from the night I was kidnapped came flying towards my memory. Jace was the one who brought me to the alley. It was his fault. By then my blood was boiling with revenge.

Beat him.

Beat him.

He deserves it.

I swung my hand to give a blow to his jaw. The sound of bones crushing sent satisfaction to my soul. However, it wasn’t enough. He deserved more. Most importantly, I needed more.

“You can’t go yet! Its better…if…you” Jace panted, recovering his posture. He looked at me with a pleading look, his green orbs  almost begging for me to stay.

“Why is that so? It’s not like my family is here! And is this my house? No it’s not!”

He gave me a smirk,” Family? What family? Last time I checked you were the loner who had no mother. And a dad who doesn’t even care about you.”

My heart broke at this. He was right about my family, and my lack of any potential friends. There was no love out there for me. And it will stay like this. I realized and thought honestly that these few days had been something that made me actually talk. Other than my dad and other people, I was always quiet. Never loud.

Even though I was taken away by my own free will, it had changed me. The way Ivy actually took care of me was something I never experienced after my own mother’s death. She showed kindness and warmth. These thoughts made my heart cracked and slowly break into smaller pieces as I painfully remembered my mother. Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks.

“Oh so now you’re crying? Guess the emotionless person does have feelings,” Jace said, breaking through my thoughts.

For a moment I was shocked that he was here. Then again, I had been sucked in a wave of emotions to the point where I had forgotten where I was. I looked at him with my violet eyes already glistening with tears.

Immediately he looked away from me, unable to look at me with my eyes that were filled with sadness. The humour he held in his last sentence was completely gone. I wanted to kill myself for being such a weakling in front of my enemy. It’s just that this place made me my heart go overdrive. They were too many contradicting feelings in this house.

I turned around and unlocked the door before he could see the teardrop running down my cheek. The door clicked and I hastily opened it, desperately wanting to get out.

“Hey! I said don’t go-!”

Jace didn’t get to finish his sentence when I accidentally bumped into something. I looked up with teary eyes to see an all too familiar face. His blue orbs stood out most, scanning the situation in front of him.

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