Rescued By My Kidnapper 5

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He took out a knife and stabbed the unarmed officer right through the heart. She stood frozen as the metal pierced through her. I could see the other end of the knife sticking out on the back. She didn’t have enough time to react. There was no noise, no cry. The atmosphere was filled with gloomy silence.

Time was slow now. I couldn’t look away. I was forced to watch the scene before me. Slowly, the killer took out the blood covered knife out of the body. He held his knife by the side, and I could see the liquid dripping from it. The lifeless body fell backwards, landing with a thud. Red liquid was profusely pouring from the wound and within seconds she was in a pool of her own blood.

The killer turned around, as if he knew someone was behind him. He looked straight at something. I tried to figure what captured his attention. But then I realized.

He was looking at me.

He looked at me with such intensity that I had to look away, but I couldn’t. I was frozen in spot, hopeless. He averted his gaze to his knife and looked back at me. His lips twitched and I could see an evil smirk forming. Almost immediately, I knew what he was thinking.

I was next.

He took a step forward. At that moment, I could feel my body finally reacting to the situation. I didn’t run. I didn’t cry. I couldn’t think properly. The only thing I knew was to scream out loud. He smirked wider and his blue eyes glistened with pure delight when my screams of terror filled his ears.



I woke up with a jolt, panting heavily.

It was a nightmare. But just a nightmare.

I lay back down on the bed. My whole body was covered in sweat. Wisps of my hair were glued to face. Heat started to overwhelm me once I had calmed down and was breathing in a normal pace. I whimpered when I felt my right leg burning with pain. The endless feeling was a torture for my body.

Tears were profusely running down my cheeks. I bawled my heart out, I couldn’t take it anymore. The nightmare. It was horrific. The wall I had built to prevent myself from crying was broken down just by one dream. How pathetic of me.

I instantly knew the killer from my dream was Gavin and that I was there when that happened. The difference was the woman was shot, not stabbed. I’ve only been here less than a week and paranoia was already taking over me.

My throat was dry. I could feel cracks on my used-to-be smooth lips. I must’ve look like a wreck, like someone from the dead.

The door slammed open, revealing a worry looking Ivy.

“What happened?” she breathed out, her breaths short and raspy, voiced filled with worry.

“I just had a nightmare, nothing to worry about.” It came out calm and collected but judging from my face she knew I wasn’t.

“I’ll get you a glass of water. You need anything else?”

I want to go home.

“I need a shower,” I answered, ignoring the real answer stuck in my head.

“There’s some clothes over here you could borrow, I’ll be right back.”

Once she had left the room, I sat by the bed, my feet touching the cool floor. The pain was still attacking me with the same intensity as before but I told myself to bear with it.

Ivy came back with a glass, a jug of water and fresh new clothes. She poured the water in the glass and I could hear the sound of water cascading down into the glass. It looked inviting. She passed the cup and I drank it slowly, relishing the cool liquid passing through my throat.

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