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Emma's P.O.V

I woke up to a stinging pain in the back of my head. I groaned to myself as I pulled my body weight enough so I was sitting up. My vision blurred but soon became clear. I heard a hitched breath beside me.

When I looked at the body my eyes filled with water as they fluttered slowly down my cheeks. It was Bob laying there lifeless.

My breath hitched as my heart rate quickened. They killed him, they killed Bob. Me and Bob had quite a close relationship. He was always there, always willing to help somebody no matter what.

Footsteps approached me as I backed away to the rock. When I was knocked out they had took my weapons. I now have no way of protecting myself against anyone or anything.

"Hey, see this ones gonna be a treasure to kill." A man with brown curly hair said.

"Nicolas don't scare the girl we don't know if it was her"

"Like hell we don't man!" The guy named Nicolas shouted.

"Hey assholes, mind keeping the noise down I don't feel like being eaten tonight" I glared at them.

Nicolas came over to me grabbing my throat tightening his grip until I could barely breath. I saw a couple of walkers in the distance, I could use this to my advantage.

"W-walkers" I choke out.

"Stay here and don't move" the other guy said as they ran to kill the walkers in one direction I ran back to the cabin in the other.

You could hear them shouting after me but I wasn't stopping not for anything until I was with the others.

~Next Day~

I came out behind a tree to see the cabin in view. I smiled to myself knowing that I would see everyone in a couple of minutes. My smile faded seeing 4 walkers behind me.

I went to reach for my gun but then realised I was weaponless.

"Shit" I mutter as I sprint towards the cabin.

When I get there two more walkers appear from no where. I start banging on the door. I continually keep banging and . The growling noises became close.

The four walkers were coming close but the other two were closer.  I ran to the field and picked up a heavy log I swing it at the first of the two that approaches me. But then the log snaps so I grab the walker and keep pushing it into the cabin until it's head finally decapitates.

I turn around to be faced with four walkers.

"CARL!!!! DARYL SOMEBODY!!!" I screamed.

Right then a knife went through one of the walkers, I expected it to be Carl but I was wrong.

"Aaron?" I questioned, he nodded.

"AARON WATCH OUT!" I yelled.

As Aaron turned around you could see the walker about to take a bite out of him an arrow went straight through its head. I looked over to see Daryl, I smiled at him until he shouted duck and another walker from behind us was down.

Aaron went and took care of the last one.

"Daryl your okay" I said crying.

"Oh come on obvcourse I am come ere kiddo." He said opening his arms. I accepted and ran into them still crying my eyes out as he picked me up and swung me around.

"Where are the others?" I asked still in his grip.

"There at Alexandria" he answered back. I smiled knowing they found there way to the community.

"Can we go home?" I said.

"Yep hop on little one" he said.

So that's that I jumped on his back as he gave me a piggy back ride the whole way home. Leaving the rust brown cabin behind.

Sorry it's short but hey hope you liked please;




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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