46.| overdose pt.iii

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"oh my fucking god," chris whispered under his breathe, taking a step forwards whilst victor ran to the side of the bed and pulled yuri into his arms. he didn't move; his head lolled in victor's hands. phichit had started to cry.

panic and fear had overpowered the anger he could barely control; anger at jj for poisoning his angel, and anger at himself for hurting him and leaving him vulnerable and scarred and broken.

"a fucking whore."

victor could see yuri's hurt brown eyes gleaming in that darkened guest bedroom, the feel of his arms around his wais tom his kitchen and the small dimple on one cheek when he smiled, and how his ears got red at the tips when he was embarrassed, and the sudden emptiness of his arms when he had pushed yuri away from him in that bedroom, wanting to hurt him.

"y-yuri," he started off in a trembling voice, barely able to hear himself, lifting yuri up into his arms. his head dropped back against the pillow, lifeless. "y-yuri, baby, can you hear me?"

"i-is h-he d-dead?"phichit choked out, whilst victor was murmuring yuri's name over and over again, shaking him lightly and cradling his limp body as if he were lying asleep on the creased bedsheets.

"fuck, no," jj laughed uneasily. "he's just out, jesus. he isn't going to wake up until it wears off."

"n-no, no," victor started to say, voice getting louder and louder and faster and faster as the panic grew. "fuck, fuck, chris, he isn't breathing. he isn't breathing properly, chris, fuck."

and then victor nikiforov was sobbing, trying to shake the boy in his arms in the ripped jeans awake; the boy who's breathing was barely audible, the rise and fall of his chest barely visible.

"w-wait," jj said, starting to panic himself and hurrying over to wear yuri lay in victor's arms, material of his cropped shirt stained with victor's tears. "f-fuck," he stuttered, searching through the plastic bag. "h-he's taken way too much...fuck...way too much...i-i..."

phichit started to cry harder, and chris was trying to calm down victor. but victor kept on trying to shake yuri awake, to deny how his big brown eyes stayed closed, his head of dark, dark hair rolled to one side in the crook of his arm, his breathing was so shallow.

"c-come on, yuri, baby," victor key whispering over and over again, whilst chris pleaded with jj to call an ambulance.

"b-but the police...i-its heroin..."

"call a fucking ambulance," victor screamed, throat raw and tears streaming down his face.

"he's still breathing," chris said breathlessly, snatching jj's phone from the top of the dresser.

"y-yuri, baby, it's me, hey, hey, it's me. baby, come on, baby. open your eyes for me, yeah? come on, yuri, baby, open your eyes for me."

"the ambulance is on its way - "

"come on, yuri, baby, i know that you can hear me. open your eyes for me, baby, yeah? come on, keep breathing for me, baby."

"i-is he dead, c-chris?"

"i'm right here, yuri, baby, and i'm never going to fucking leave your side again, you hear me? i'm never going to fucking hurt you again, yuri. i love you, yuri, you hear me? i didn't mean a fucking word of it, yuri, of what i said to you."

"where's the fucking ambulance?"

"stay with me, yuri, baby, you hear me? stay with me."

victor blinked tears down onto yuri's blank, pale face, and longed to see his chocolate eyes staring up at him when he opened his eyes. but he just sobbed harder at the thought of his angel's soft skin going cold, to see his delicate body so limp and motionless.

"stay with me," victor whispered into his soft hair, pressing kisses onto his forehead, his cheeks, his neck, his mouth, breathing in the fading scent of bubblegum, kissing him all over his delicate face as if it would keep him close to him and his heart still beating.

"where's the fucking ambulance?" victor echoed chris, looking up with a heaving chest and soaking face that sting with salt to see phichit crying against the wall, chris pacing backward and forwards with his hands running through his hair and jj sitting with his head in his hands at the end of the bed victor was holding his yuri's body in, holding him close to his chest, his pale, limp hands trailing on the white sheets.

"f-fuck i-it could be d-down there," victor choked out, and chris ran from the room to go and see, to all the paramedics up there to keep victor's yuri's soft skin still warm.

"v-victor, w-what are you - " jj started off, as victor lifted yuri up gently onto his arms, his head of soft dark, dark hair leaning against his chest, where his white shirt was soaked with tears.

"th-they might not g-get up here i-in time," victor stammered out, holding yuri katsuki's body close to him and hurriedly making his way past phichit by the door, who's face was shining with tears. he and jj followed close behind, under the harsh bright lights of an elevator that was moving too goddamn slowly.

"you're ok," victor murmured into yuri's soft dark, dark hair, heart thumping painfully against his chest and blood rushing in his ears in the held silence of the lift's descent. "your going to be ok, baby, you're going to be ok."

he kept pressing kisses against yuri's forehead and his mouth, his arms tight around his motionless body. "stay with me, baby, you're going to be ok. don't leave me, ok? stay with me, yuri."

he kept whispering to yuri katsuki in too low a voice for anyone else to hear; a voice that was shaking and thick with tears.

the doors parted, and victor hurried across marble flooring with jj shouting to chris by the hotel's doors with the paramedics. people around them in. short skirts and obnoxious suits gasped and whispered hurriedly to one another, whilst phichit kept on crying and victor's arms ached as he lay yuri down on the stretcher that the two medics had brought in for him.

"you're going to me ok, yuri," he murmured to him, without the time to kiss his soft, delicate mouth again, as the medics started to move him towards the ambulance with victor and chris beside yuri.

"stay with me, baby. stay with me, yuri."

i don't know about you but i cried.

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