Ch. 45 [Deals And Promises]

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Winter Fire
Ch. 45
Deals And Promises

I had a faint suspicion that Sadiya forced Aidan to drive around in circles until I got myself together. She denied when I confronted her, of course, but I knew the drive was a lot longer this time around.

I still wasn't completely a hundred percent. My hands still trembled and I could still feel the fear running rampant through my blood, but I could walk, and I could talk, and I suppose that was all anyone could wish for.

I entered the restaurant first, then Sadiya, then Aidan. I still wasn't very comfortable around him, and I think Sadiya could tell. Somehow, she was always standing between us. I didn't understand why she was so suddenly attentive of me, but I was more than grateful.

There was a bit of a crowd this afternoon, but we slipped through easily. However when we went to enter the restaurant, a familiar, tall, brown-eyed host stepped in our path.

He cleared his throat. "Excuse me, do you three have a reservation?"

I stopped short. "You have got to be kidding me."

He blinked slowly, his narrow lips turning down into a scowl. "No? Then I believe you will have to wait just like everyone else."

I grit my teeth together and tried to step past him but he moved directly in front of me, tried again with the same result, feinted and darted round him, but he caught my arm in a tight grip and hauled me right back where I started. I scowled bitterly.

"But we're not everyone else. Look, it's me? See. We were just here yesterday. Caressa let me in, remember that?"

His eyes narrowed as he slowly glanced over me. His lips pressed together and he shook his head.

"No, no I do not believe I recall that. Sorry."

I gave him a flat look. Sadiya exhaled sharply behind me and stepped forward.

"Look. You either let us in or you end up in the hospital covered in a thousand tiny cuts that make you feel as if you are burning alive." She snapped coldly.

The host only blinked again, slowly.

"I think I'm going to have to call security." He moved to return to the host stand.

"For crying out loud." Sadiya bit out.

She pulled a dagger from her boot and before I even had the chance to react, hit the man squarely in the back of the head. He stood frozen for a moment before abruptly collapsing. Someone gasped behind us and I took that as a cue to start moving. The dagger had already vanished by the time I grabbed Sadiya's arm and dragged her swiftly after me into the restaurant. Aidan followed closely and we were already up the stairs by the time anyone decided to do something about the unconscious host.

Then we were down the hall, in the room, pushing the bookcase aside and walking up the dark stairs. I fished out the key, unlocked the door and pushed it open cautiously.

The room was much the same as when we'd left it, Avery still asleep in the same position, Elias sitting up in bed with a book, though a different one this time, Sophia sprawled on the couch, her eyes closed, but the air no longer reeked of blood, instead smelling like some kind of flowery perfume. And behind the couch, Archer was pacing, his fists clenched, his jaw tight, his eyes cold. And the moment the door slid open all three of their heads snapped up.

Archer moved first, practically flying round the couch towards me. But he stopped short when I flinched backwards, right into Sadiya. She caught me, held me upright gently until I choose to stand on my own again. Archer's electric eyes were overflowing with emotion, anger, worry, relief, hurt, confusion. I couldn't keep up with it all, felt dizzy just from trying. He didn't speak, just watched me for the longest time. Then he stepped back, giving me space to move inside. Sophia was up next, but she only stood, shocked by the sight of her sister in that doorway. She swallowed roughly, but said nothing. Sadiya stepped inside tentatively, her bright gaze carefully observing her sister's appearance. Then, without a word, she stepped forward and embraced her, gently. For a long moment Sophia didn't respond, then she let out a shaky breath and circled her arms round her twin, closed her eyes and rested her chin in her shoulder.

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