Chapter Seven - The Box

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I am so so so so sorry that I have taken forever to update. It's been like a month since I've last updated. It's because I've just started college and I know that, that isn't really an excuse but it's true. My life has just gotten quite hectic. So I don't know how often I'll be able to update.

On a lighter note....

Oh my god. I have nearly a 1000 views!!!!! Thank you so much, people! I really do hope that you are enjoying this story, as I do try to make it interesting but I feel like it's boring in parts. If you feel that I could improve, then you're welcome to comment things I could do to improve my work, I do appreciate the feedback.

Third Person

To say that Niklaus was confused would be an understatement. He just couldn't understand why Talia suddenly decided to let him go. Nathalia went to all that trouble to capture him and to use spells to show that she's stronger only for her to then just switch. Klaus can't help but wonder why she let him go whilst leaving her territory. Unknown to the hybrid that Talia was now hugging her knees to her chest, leaning against the cave walls being swallowed by memories.

 Upon arriving at the compound, Klaus has a struggle containing an eye roll at the sight of Haley and Elijah in a heated argument. He only sighs at them, before making his way upstairs. Not wanting to continue smelling of the dead rabbit, Klaus decides to hop into the shower, closing his eyes when the water hits his face like an octopus.

Whilst showering, the hybrids mind seems to trail back to being in the cave with Talia. He learnt that she's half wolf and half witch explaining the certain qualities she possesses. But he still doesn't understand her eyes, or how apparently Chris felt compelled to attack and he certainly doesn't understand her sudden change in mood. Her whole face had changed; her eyes had darkened, her expression became hard along with her clenched fists that were her sides. He inhales deeply, allowing himself to be able to relive the moment.


"Why did you?" I notice her face scrunch up slightly in confusion. Almost as though she was trying to think back to see if she can remember what I'm on about. I decide to continue talking "Why did you save Hope?" I notice her tense at the question which in turn causes me to be the confused one.

"She reminded me of myself" She mumbles the answer, I'm only able to hear it due to my heightened senses. She turns from me so I can't see her face. What's with the sudden change? She was fine with me asking questions a moment ago....

"Wha-" I begin to speak but she cuts me off by clicking her fingers, increasing my confusion.

"You're free to go" She states, gesturing towards the cave entrance with a blank expression. But the slight twitching of the facial muscles that I almost don't notice gives away that she's hiding her true expression. But what would she be hiding? 

"W-" Again she cuts me off before I can even get a single word out.

"Go!" She shouts, and her blank mask breaks to reveal a hurt expression. Not wanting to stay, I bite down my confusion and decide to just go. What do I care for her anyway? She's just like everyone else who threatens my family. With that, I zoom off

End of flashback.

Niklaus tries to think if he said anything to upset the wolf, but Niklaus was only asking why Talia saved Hope. He had thought it to be a reasonable question... Apparently not. Sighing deeply, the confused and tired hybrid switches the shower off and gets ready for bed, wanting nothing more than to wake up to find all the problems have disappeared.

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