Chapter Six - Bloody hell

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My eyes fly open, causing confusion to surge through me, where am I? Not recognising my surroundings, I sit up. Well, I try to sit up but for some reason, I can't move. I can move my head, but other than that I can't feel anything from the neck down. Remembering what happened earlier causes me to snarl. How dare she. I will tear her limb from limb.

"Ah, sleeping beauty awakens I see" I snap my head in the direction of the voice to find Nathalia sat a couple of metres away with a smirk on her face. The sudden movement causes my neck to hurt because you know it was broken. No thanks to a certain someone who is going to end up dead by my hands. I growl at her causing her smirk to widen and when I try to move again but to no avail, she decides to speak again.

"I may have used a tiny spell. You're paralysed from the neck down. Oh, don't worry It'll wear off... when I want it to" She finishes speaking with a slight giggle. How can she use witch craft like that. She's a wolf. Unless she has a witch friend?... 

"What are you?" I demand in my best intimidating voice, but I don't think it works as she just rolls her eyes before speaking.

"I think you're forgetting who has the advantage here, you are in no positions to be making the rules" She tuts, before sending me an innocent smile. Innocent my ass. She's enjoying this, the sadistic bitch. I hear her scoff, causing me to be confused.

"Yeah, like you're any different" Upon seeing my confusion she continues to speak. "The great Niklaus Mikealson, I did a bit of research whilst you were napping. The great original hybrid. Blah, blah blah. Killer of women and children blah, blah, blah. And you say that I'm sadistic." She says in a somewhat amused tone of voice. I use this moment to take in my surroundings. I seem to be in a cave, it's quite dark, the only light coming from behind me which I can't see. There seems to be a bag of some sorts in the corner, but I can't see very well. Considering the fact that I am literally paralysed. Wait, how did she know that I was thinking her to be sadistic? Did I say it out loud, or-

"No, I listened to your thoughts. Again another spell of mine." She says, watching me intently. Almost like she's studying me.

"Why am I here?" I suddenly ask hating that I don't know. Knowing every aspect of a situation is what gives me control. And having control is power. Without it, I'm nothing.

"Because you're stupid enough to keep coming into my territory." She answered plainly, causing a frown to take residence on my face. I only came here because of Re-

"Wheres Rebekkah?"


"If you've harmed he-" I begin to threaten her.

"Did I not just say she was safe? If I wanted her dead, she'd be dead" Talia says cutting me off. Her tone of voice so calm it was almost deadly. Almost. I open my mouth to ask another question but she raises her hand, silencing me,

"I swear, if you ask one more question, I'm going to blow my brains out." the annoyance in her voice obvious.

"Well, you kidnapped me, love, how can I not ask questions?"

"See? Another question. Ugh, they make kidnapping seem fun in the movies but it's boring" The bored tone of her voice confuses me. She's bored. She just snapped my neck, brought to a cave, paralysed me. And she's bored. That's it, I've decided. She's mental.

"Why don't you let me go then?" I ask with a slight help. I know I normally don't act like this but I've never been in this position before. I've always had control, always. Now that I don't, it's like my brain can't function properly. But the look she gives me then answers my question.

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