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I don't have a lot of time to study. But when I do, I don't. 

An example is right now, my Algebra notes are stacked right next to me on my bed, but instead I am currently playing Papa's Chesseria on my phone and currently burning the bread. I also have my English homework that is on the table downstairs, and my history notes that are still in my locker. 

I am obviously so committed to my school work. 

"Who the hell even likes pineapple on their toasted sandwich? That's some stuffed up shit." I mutter to myself, giving a disgusted look to the tiny cartoon character on my phone. 

Ding dong. 

I frown in confusion as I put my phone up to my ear. When the sound sounds again, it doesn't come from my phone, but instead from downstairs. I groan, realising I have to go downstairs. And then back upstairs. Oh my god. 

Maybe they'll go away? Please go away. 

It sound again, this time twice. I roll my eyes, dramatically sighing as I threw my legs over the side of my bed and drag myself down the stairs. I was dressed in a cactus shorts and dinosaur socks. My shirt was four sizes too big, and a man's top. But their comfy as fuck and crack me up. 

Did I care that whoever it was on the other side of the door saw me in this? Fuck no. 

I know I'm fashionable, you don't need to tell me. 

The ringing became more impatient as I neared the door, and I groaned, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Please shut the fuck up. But I didn't say it, as much as I wanted too. 

When I open the door, I see Alyssa's finger pressed against the door bell. Why the hell am I not surprised? As soon as she sees me, she steps back with the largest smile on her face and begins fixing her hair. 

"Blake, so lovely to see you again! You are looking absolutely beautiful today—" 

"Save the act, Alyssa. Alex isn't here." I say impassively. 

I watch the smile completely drains from her face, and emplace was a bone-chilling glare, "Well where the hell is he then?" 

"How the fuck am I suppose to know? I'm not the clingy girlfriend who has to know his whereabouts every second of every day. I'll leave that up to you." I scoff, folding my arms as I lean against the door frame. 

"So funny." She fakes a laugh, and I mimic her, "I'll just wait in his room then." 

"Be my guest," I said, stepping out of the way as I swung my arm out, "As much as we all know you love Alex, please don't sniff his underwear or collect the hair on his pillow." 

Alyssa rolls her eyes before strutting into my house with her heels on and walks up the stairs. Is it bad that I secretly want her heel to snap and she'd falling down the stairs, break her neck and never be able to walk? Probably, but then again, I don't really have a conscience at this point. 

Not wanting to go back to my room just yet, I slid towards the kitchen like a pro ice skater. I grab a nut bar from the cupboard, and a bottle of chilled water from the fridge. Mother dearest is going on this new healthy-food craze and it's literally killing me. I have to smuggle chocolate bars into my room because the only thing in the kitchen is water, fruits, and vegetables. 

I pull my phone out as I sit down on at the kitchen bench as I begin to chew on my bar and tap away at the screen. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when the back door opened, and Alex walked in with his sports bag slung over his shoulder. 

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