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"Keith, I need it."


"Come on, Keith! I really need it!"

"No. I'm cold and this is warm."

"I'm going on an ice planet. I'll be cold!"

"Wear your armor."

"We're not allowed! Allura said they find armor threatening or as a sign of distrust, so we have to wear our regular clothes- Keith, please!"

"Wear mine."

"That's not gonna help me!"

Lance whined and stomped his foot. "Keith, come on!"

Keith shook his head, hugging Lance's jacket tighter around himself. "No. It's mine, now. You only get it when I need to you warm it up and make it smell good."

The blue paladin groaned, dropping his head back. "Keith! I need my jacket! I'll freeze out there!"

"You'll live." Keith mused, peeking over the collar of Lance's jacket at him.

Lance sighed and slumped. "You're lucky I love you so much." Keith beamed as Lance leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Fine. Just be careful with it."

Keith nodded, nuzzling into the fabric. "I will, I will."

"Okay... We'll be back soon."

"Be safe."

Lance smiled. "I will."


As they walked, Lance, Shiro and Hunk shivered and shook the most. Lance hugged himself, sticking close to Hunk. Eventually, Pidge climbed onto Shiro's back, wrapping tightly around Shiro. Matthew rolled his eyes at her.

Lance huffed and tucked himself under Hunk's arm. "So cold!"

"Whoa, buddy! You have Keith back at the castle!"

"I'm freezing, Hunk!" Lance hissed under his breath.

Hunk sniggered, squeezing Lance under his arm. Lance squeaked as he was lifted slightly off the ground. "Hunk!"


"Greetings!" The King of the planet stood up with open arms and a wide grin. His blue skin and white hair practically blended him in with the ice. "It's so lovely to finally see the Paladins of Voltron!"

Shiro smiled and nodded. "It's an honour to finally meet you, your majesty."

The King descended the stairs. "Well, you must be here to form an alliance. Come! Let us discuss that over a fine meal prepared by the best chefs on my lovely planet."

"I swear to God, if the food is cold..." Pidge grumbled into Shiro's ear, dropping her forehead onto his shoulder.

Matthew chuckled, then stepped forward. "Show us the way, your highness."


"Keith! Keith, warm me up!" Lance whined, falling onto their shared bed. Keith groaned, rolling over.

"You woke me up." Keith grumbled, waving his arm out until he smacked Lance's head.

Lance pulled himself closer and nuzzled into Keith. Keith yelped as cold fingers trailed up his back. "Lance!"

"I'm freezing!" The blue paladin clung to Keith as he tried to wriggle away and pry Lance off. "It was so cold! You sent me away without my jacket! You deserve this, jerk!"

Keith whined, stretching and pushing to get Lance off of him. "At least get your hands out of my shirt! You're so quiznaking cold!"

The younger paladin whimpered, squeezing Keith tighter and tighter. "No! You're so warm! So warm, so warm!"

"Sto-op! Lance!" Keith kicked his legs as Lance's freezing cold toes brushed over the arch of his foot.

Lance snickered, burying his face in Keith's neck. The red paladin shrieked, trying to jerk himself away. "You're so cold! Get off, get off!"

Shaking his head, Lance rolled to hold Keith on top of himself. "I'm off!" Keith wiggled and pushed to no avail. "This is your fault, Keith!"

The red paladin smacked Lance's chest. "It is not! Let me go, jackass!"

"Never! Never, never!" Lance flipped them to have Keith pinned beneath him. "I don't ever want to let you go." He propped himself up to look down at a surprised Keith. Lance grinned, leaning down to press a cold kiss on Keith's warm, soft lips. "I won't let you go. You or our baby. I'll always be here to protect you, okay? Even if you think you don't need it."

Keith smiled and relaxed, reaching up to cup Lance's cheeks. "God, you're so cold." Lance chuckled. "You big dork. I love you."

"I love you, too." Lance let Keith pull him down into another soft, sweet kiss.


Lance grunted as his lion was jostled. "Quiznak! Guys, how far apart are we!?"

"You're all almost equally spaced across the planet!" Allura responded, firing the castle defences.

"I don't like it!" Lance shouted, pulling back and diving down. "We're too far apart!"

"Shit!" Pidge snapped, barreling passed several fights. "It's Lotor!"

"Lotor's here!? How!? There's no way he could have known!" Hunk cried, looking out, dodging a blast. "Where is he!?"

"He's in my area!"

"I'm on my way, Pidge!" Lance pivoted his lion and activated his boosters. "Where is he!?"

"Twelve o'clock!" Pidge dove down, passing Lance.

Lance barreled upwards towards the ship, twisting and yanking back on a lever. Blue roared and jerked back. Lance reached towards his dash, fingers flying across the Altean keyboard. "Whoo!" Lance cheered as half the large ship was enveloped in ice. "Yeah!"

"Lance, your rear-!" Pidge warned.

The blue paladin grunted and gasped as Blue was shot. Lance pulled back on the levers, twisted, then forced them forward. Blue dove down into a nose-dive, headed straight for the river below. Lance pulled up at the last second and laughed triumphantly as a fighter dove right into the water. "Eat my dust, Galra!"

"Don't celebrate so soon!" Pidge shouted. "Look up!"

Lance did, then regretted letting his guard down. "Ah!" Lance jolted in his seat, gripping the controls as Blue plummeted. "Blue!" Lance twisted and yanked, jerking back as Blue abruptly pulled up. "Shit, shit! I've taken serious damage to the- Agh!"

Blue shuddered and roared with another heavy blast, her cockpit flashing from blue to red.


"Keith!? Keith, what are you-" Lance clenched his jaw with another blast. "I can't take much more of this! Blue is barely holding up!"

"I'm trying!" Pidge replied desperately, tackling fighters that kept her far from the ship attacking Lance. "Lance, look out!"


The blue paladin screamed as Blue plummeted, her lights all red as she became unresponsive. Lance yanked on the controls, typing as quickly as he could, but the tree line was passed him and the ground was right-


1036 words


Ruby and Saphire : Voltron:LD KlanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon