"How so?"

"By making them jealous," she smirks. "It'll be perfect."

"What are you talking about?" Louis shuffles his body up the sheets he laid upon now, a frown forced to his features as the girl stared at him with knowing and mischief.

"Harry," Amber confirms and Louis' heart races, he tries to not let his anger show as she moves closer to him. "I'll take him away from Lola, and you can have what is rightfully yours back."

Louis thinks for a brief moment.

Then Louis smiles, he feels excited after inhaling the cigarette with a chuckle. "You know what kitten?" he says before breathing out a gust of smoke that spirals around her face, making her grin widen. "That's a brilliant plan."

In seconds Ambers lips are pressed to the firmness of the ocean eyed boys, his moans matching hers as the cigarette he held drops into the empty cup near the bed. She pushes his body back and begins to kiss down the edges of his neck, outlining his entire body with her lips as she welcomes a new taste and sense of satisfaction with his moans inside her mind. But all she could focus on was the thoughts of finally getting what she wanted, taking the boy she was utterly convinced was for her and getting Lola back for stealing him from her.

~end of flashback~

"Louis told me it all, Amber," I speak, a little too satisfied with the dumbfounded look on her face. "He told me about your plan and the party, he told me how he dumped you when you turned into a complete psycho, he told me you stalked me and Harry and even watched us through my window," her mouth remains open as tears begin to form in her eyes. "He told me how you enrolled into Harry's college after he was accepted, just so you could stalk him, he told me how completely deluded you are and how much of an insane bitch you are."

Amber remains silent for a few moments as I take a deep breath. It was all I thought about last night, so right now it was spilling from me, the storm inside washing through my universe and finally setting me free as the sun beamed down on my skin. I smiled at the sky for a second, feeling a little better. A little more relieved.

"You're the one who cheated on him with Harry, you don't deserve either of them."

"You're right," I admit. "But Harry is the love of my life, and you will stay away from him," I add. "And Louis was my first love, so I care about him deeply still and advice you to stay away from him as well."

Amber scoffs. "You're such a little slut, Lola, you can't just fuck one guy can you?"

My temper flares as I step closer to the blond haired girl, her eyes narrow in on me as our noses ghost each other and I feel her hot breath fanning against my own as she glares at me with red hot rage. I could see her nostrils flared, eyes protruding as I let a smile taste to my lips.

"You will stay away from them, or-"

"Or what?" Amber snaps. "Stop playing Harry you little whore."

It wasn't like me to resort to violence, but it was dripping from me now and unfortunately, it slipped down my veins and through the cracks of my knuckles. I pulled my fist back and let it connect with her jaw, her body jolting back as tears brim in her eyes.

She clutches the inflictions with a murderous glare.

I felt my chest rise up and down quickly as she looked at me, she didn't have it inside her to hit me back and I could see that in the fading color of her eyes.

I was fixed on her until I felt arms wrap around my shoulders, they were cold and made my skin leap with an engulfing reality check as I inhale sharply.

"C'mon Lol," Ben speaks softly. I simply nod, letting him lead me into my work as Amber storms off down the street.


authors note;

Well well well, Amber is the centre of all this drama. Who knew? ;)

Think we have two or three more chapters left *cries*

Thank you so much everyone.


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