1.1 | Sunny Days and Bacon

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**Greetings humans! I have decided to take over my owner's account because why not? We are family, therefore I should be allowed to have some fun. I'm a 4 year old husky malamute mix and I'm very lazy so this won't be updated very often. It's hard to type with paws, one of these days I might get my human to write it for me. Wouldn't that be fun?**

You know those mornings when the sun rises over the hill and gently sends sunbeams through the curtains to wake you up? Or those days where the birds are singing in harmony, there's a butterfly outside, all the flowers are blooming and you just can't wait to get up and start the day?

Yeah no.

I hate mornings. You have to get up and face the world with your happy face glued on tight. I'd rather spend it lying in bed and watching my family move around. But no, the world goes on and it's breakfast time.

I can smell those irritating birds hopping around in the trees and my toes curl as their incessant screaming begins to dig into my head. How I wish I could go out and tell them to shut up. Their singing is awful and I'm pretty sure a rusty pipe could do a better job.

It doesn't help that my human's alarm clock has been ringing for the past 5 minutes. I whine and roll over onto my back licking my lips as I think of breakfast. If I bug her enough, I might get something extra. Like cheese. I like cheese.

Huffing I scramble to my feet and stretch. My bones click back into place and I let out a small burp.

I really need to pee now.

I better wake Fiadh. The only issue is she's so hard to wake up. Yesterday I tried licking her feet but she only grunted and rolled over. Which was awfully rude given that I was doing her a favour. Who doesn't want to see my beautiful face early in the morning?

Wait a moment.

I'll do my special wake up dance. Sure, it really annoys her but it's really fun to watch her freak out. It always takes a while for her to register what happened, you can see the gears turning in her head and I enjoy watching her face shift through various emotions.

So I bend down and creep over, my paws gently padding against the hard wooden floor. One of these days I'll get her to put a carpet here otherwise my poor feet will start to hurt.

Now that I think of it, her sister has a pink and fuzzy one. So why can't I get one?

I listen to her gentle snoring. To be honest, I'm still not sure how the birds and their screeching hasn't woken her up. Aren't humans supposed to be smart?

Oh, this will be fun. I can feel my tail wagging frantically as I approach the side of the bed. I put one paw up and lean over her face.


There was a loud crash as my tail knocks a lamp onto the ground. It was one of those silly cat ones, you'd think that she would have a dog one given that she'd raised dogs all her life. But no. She has a cat,  it's small, squat and ugly.

What a pity. Looks like she'll have to get a new one now.

I do a quick sniff test to see if it's broken and something rattles when I poke it with my nose.

Nope. Seems fine. I'll get her to pick it up later. 

I pull myself onto the bed and notice that all she had done was roll over onto her stomach. I sigh and crawl over to sniff her head. Why hasn't she moved? Is she trying to make my life difficult?

I prod her back with my nose, maybe I'll talk to her?

I square up and place my mouth as close to her ear as possible. Then I yowl as loud as I can. Thankfully she shoots up yelping, and I duck to avoid her arm.

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