"That's so cool," Hoseok said, his jaw dropped, "Do you know the musician's name?"

"Oh....what was it Mahi?" Taemin looked to his wife.

"Jonghyun," she muttered.

"Kim Jonghyun-ssi!" Taemin exclaimed.

"What?!" Both boys exclaimed, although Hoseok's voice was excited while Jungkook's was annoyed.

Hoseok looked to his boyfriend, brow furrowed at his tone of voice.

"What's wrong, son?" Mahi asked mockingly, crossing her arms.

"Well, have you even met this guy? Is he nice to Hyung? Is he using him? Jimin might be an adult, but he's still a Hybrid and people still take advantage of that."

"We have met him," Mahi said, her voice low, "He's a wonderful man. A bit...vulgar when he rants, but otherwise a very good man."

Jungkook raised his brow at that, questioning her mocking tone more than anything.

"Help me to bed, honey," she turned to her husband and smiled, "My medicine's making me sleepy."


"I don't understand why she's being so cold to me," Jungkook mumbled, running his fingertips along Hoseok's side.

It was late at night, the two of them laying in bed and cuddling as if they were back in Ilsan in their apartment.

"She doesn't like me," Hoseok whispered.

"No," Kook pulled the older closer, "It's not that. She's mad at me for some reason."

"Well...we didn't come for Jimin's birthday or for thanksgiving."

"We're in college," Jungkook grumbled, "We can't drop everything and come for every holiday of the year."

"I know, baby. But...you didn't even call this year."

"We've been busy," the younger sighed, gripping Hoseok's hip, "Both of us."

"Yeah. But mothers don't see things that way. She probably thinks we're starting to dislike them."

"I love them."

"I know. But you don't always make it seem that way."


Jimin came back the day after Christmas, dressed in designer clothes once again.

Jungkook let him in, since Mahi was still asleep.

They ended up in the kitchen, where Jimin started making breakfast for everyone.

Jungkook stood off to the side, watching the Hybrid for a long time.

Suddenly he asked, "So are you letting him fuck you, too? Or is it just for money?"

Jimin paused, his eyes trained on the skillet in front of him, "Excuse me?"

"That guy you work for," Jungkook moved closer and flicked Jimin's ear, "Do you sleep with him or just get paid?"


"Just answer me."

"Why should I?!" Jimin suddenly yelled, "Why do you deserve to know? Where the fuck have you been for the last four years?!"

"Hyung, I'm going to school; you're whoring around!"

Jimin scoffed at that and went back to silently cooking.

Homeless, Not Hopeless (JiKook)Where stories live. Discover now