2.29: a transition from like to love

Start from the beginning

"Don't you know how worried I was about you? This guy didn't exactly have the best records when it came to girls!"

I had always needed to look up when I talked to Housemate years ago. But right now, even if I looked up, I could only catch a bit of his eyes. He had grown even taller than before. His slim waist combined with his broad shoulder was giving him a proportion that could inspire thousands of artists all over the world.

Including me. Even though I wasn't an artist.

In fact, I was too inspired by his proportions, however, that I started seeing Yoda's with Housemate's body.

I blame my brain for this kind of imaginery.

"Business we did," I said. "Business important."

Housemate blinked. Then he stared at Alex. Then at me.

"You're doing that Yoda thing..." he said in a half-awe.

I lied to myself and then shook my head. "No. No."

Housemate grabbed Alex and then positioned him beside himself. Then Housemate alternated an index finger towards him and Alex.

"Is it because of me or him?"

I could tell that Alex was in the verge of laughing out loud, but thankfully he kept his mouth shut. I wouldn't dare to think about how many teeth he'd lose if he really dared laughing.

Now that I thought about it, Alex never affected my speech the way Housemate did. He made me think a lot about him, and he made me think a lot about him.

Sometimes he made me think twice about him without realizing it.

But never the Yoda, never the fainting, and especially never the sharp, short breaths that I was doing right now because Housemate's chest was on a very close-up view to me.

"No," I said. Maybe if I stuck with monosyllables I could avoid further embarrassing myself. From what Bella told me, I was supposed to be angry and vindictive towards Housemate, not fall head over heels on the first sight of close physical contact!

"So, me?" Housemate pointed at himself.

I nodded. "No."

"What? Is that a 'yes it's not you', or a 'no, it's definitely me that's making you all nervous and Yodaing'?"

There were about a thousand words lodged within my throat, but I didn't trust all those words to be advantageous in my position. I put a hand on my mouth and then croaked another monosyllable, "No."

"That's not answering anything, Housemate." The way he said Housemate didn't make think like he was thinking housemate when he said it.

The tip of Alex's lips curled up. "Do you want me to drive you?"

"I literally live in the same place with her, so why don't you save gas or something? The world could definitely do better without all that pollution from your Maserati." Housemate's was quick to deter Alex's offer.

"April's duffel bag?" Alex said. "She left the bag with you, right?"

At the mention of this, Housemate's face reddened. He wouldn't drink so much because he was our driver, but even then, the red on his cheeks were unmistakable. "Shit."

"It's very precious to her."

"I know, dammit."

"It contains all of her tupperware and her very precious thermos."

"I know! I saw her cleaning her thermos everyday!"

"Go-go find it," Alex said, smiling. "I'll drive her home safely."

The Quirky Tale of April Hale (Quirky Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now