Ch9 - New Life

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Anti's p.o.v)

Why am I so giddy?

I'm waiting outside of the airport for (YN). She should be out any minute.

I still can't believe she decided to come out here. Maybe I shouldn't be. Its a perfect place to start out fresh. Its been a month since we first talked about her coming. During that time we spent lot of time talking over the phone about stuff. I think we are it going that way? I'd love taking this a bit further with her, but is she isn't interested the that's fine.

I sit on a bench and wait. After five minutes I decide to text her.

Me: where the fuck are you?

I don't get a response, instead I feel arms wrap around me.

"I'm right here!" She yells.

I stand up and hug her back. "Welcome to LA! Again!"

She bounces a little. "I know! But this time to stay."

"Let's get you to your house then." I say, taking a suitcase, and getting a taxi.

Once settled in the taxi, (YN) gives the driver the address. Then watches out her open window.

"Its hot..." She says, then laughs.

" do know that your in LA...right?" I chuckle.

"Yup, and black clothing is the best." She says pointing at both of us.

"I gotta agree with that."

Fifteen minutes later we stop at the house.

"Ooh its prettier then the pictures!" (YN) exclaims.

I help her with the bags and she opens the door.

Behind me a mail truck stops.

"Yo, mail!" I yell inside as she disappears.

I don't hear her so I take the letters. Then the mail person comes back with two large boxes.

I carry them inside. "What the fuck is in here?! Its heavy! (YN)?" Call out and look around.

Its a nice sized house for one person. Kinda cute, matches her. I smile to myself.

Then she comes downstairs. "Its awesome! What were you saying earlier?"

I point to the two boxes. "Mail."

"Already? Good! I mailed some of my stuff up here a couple of days ago."

"Hay...I have a question..."

"I think that asking to ask a question, a question is already asked, though I will allow for another."

"What the hell? really?" I laugh. "You wanna go out to a restaurant?"

"Sure...if we go to the one we went to last time."

"Deal." I smile.

A waiter comes by and takes out dishes.

"(YN)? I, have, a question." I laugh.

"Spill it." She smiles.

"There is a cool place just down the road...its a club kind of place..."


"Do you wanna go?" I ask.

"'m not sure...I haven't been to one before...I've heard stories..." She says.

"I won't let anything happen to you." I say.

She sighs. "Well, I guess there is a first for everything! Let's go."

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now