Ch2 - Planes

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I wait in line with the others, and hand over my ticket and licence. The lady hands them back, after scribbling circles on my ticket.

I continue to the scanning things as another guard goes on the 'put everything in the buckets, shoes too. And No beverages' rant. I grab myself a container and put my backpack in it, then another for my shoes. Placing them on the conveyer belt I step into the weird oval scanner.

"Please stand on the specific feet placement, and hold your arms up, as the picture shown."

I step on the worn pictures of feet, and hold my hands up near my head, as the thing makes a pass around me.

"You can step out now."

I step out. On screen, has the gray blob shape of a person, showing squares around the wrists.

"May I see your wrists?" A guy asks.

I hold out my bracelet covered wrists.

"Alright, thank you. Have a nice day." He smiles.

I nod and grab my buckets off the table, and put my shoes and backpack on. Then start the small journey of finding my terminal. I look at a map of the airport.

"Yeap... Of course... Its way over there!" I grumble. I have to walk all the way to the very last one. But at least its not on the other side of the airport.

Once I get there I plop into a chair next to the window. The runways are lit up with bright flashing lights. My plane is already hooked up to the platform, waiting for passengers. Its a huge one. Well not that big, but defiantly bigger then the ones I've been on. I'm guessing its got at least two middle rows, plus ones on the sides of the plane. Where I am, first class. First time doing that too.

As I wait, I look up at the sky, its perfectly clear. A sudden panic attack seizes me.

"Oh...why now..." I grumble, trying to regulate my breathing to a normal pace. I hate these. They are so random. But at least they aren't that bad anymore. I can actually somewhat control them now. The doc's say its from stress...of which I'm getting an shitload of right now. The attack slowly leaves, and I take out my phone and send my mom a text.

Me: waiting....

Mom: haha! Are you on it yet?

Me: nope. I'm in the lobby or waiting room..wherever you call it

Mom: terminal?

Me: sure oh they called my class! Buhbye!

Mom: yay! Call me later!

Me: k!

I get up and step in line. Hand the lady my ticket to scan and walk through the tunnel and into the plane.

Yup this one is a lot bigger. There are two middle rows of two, and three seat rows at the windows, where I am. I find my number and plop into the seat and wait, watching the people outside.

I see my bags on the cart thing go past, for some reason I wanted to wave...why? I haven't a clue.

I sit back and close my eyes. I'm so tired. I need to get at least a descent amount of sleep...though I probably won't. I almost never fall asleep in the day and defiantly not in a public place. I look back outside as the plane fills up with people.

About ten minutes later I'm startled by the sudden announcement person.

"Good morning! And welcome aboard......"

She goes on about the safety things, exits, all in a very happy voice, but its a pleasant happy, not overly happy.

"We are about to take off, please fasten your seatbelts. If you have devices, please put them on airplane mode.

I clip the belt around me, and put my phone on air mode. A few seconds later the engines start up. We are pushed backwards onto the taxi roads. Once in the right direction, the plane is steered down the roads. We wait in line as three other planes take off. Then its our turn.

I watch outside as we turn onto the runway and wait a few seconds. Then the engines rev up, and we start to pick up speed. Soon we are flying down the runway, then the lift off, which always gets me. The weird feeling of stability, of the seat and plane, then the unnatural feeling of being in the air. The sudden altitude difference, feeling like I'm being held to the chair makes me want to move around, but that actually makes it worse, so I just take a deep breath and wait it out.

I click the power button on the screen in the chair in front of me. To sum up the rest of the flight, I tried out a couple of games on the device, and my phone, but mostly just watched outside. It was so beautiful up here. Not a cloud in the sky. And when the plane turned, I saw a full moon. Down below I can see the beautiful lights of the towns we pass over. I got a lot of beautiful pictures to send to my parents.

A few hours later, the plane starts its decent. The wheels slightly bounce on the runway before sticking the landing, then quickly slows down.

When we pull up to the gate, I wait for my turn to step out of my row. This takes me back to my school bus days, except then, the kids just shoved their way past.

Somehow I'm in the break of the line as I walk through the tunnel, seemingly making me the only one there, it felt weird. A complete contrast to when I step out. People were everywhere.

Once I find my way to the next terminal and sit down I text my mom again.

Me: I forgot something...

Mom: really?! What!

Me: sleep...

Mom: hahaha when you get to your hotel, promise me you won't leave. Sleeeeeep

Me: OK... I'll try!

About an hour later my class is called. LA here I come!

I sit in my seat, by the window again, and watch the sky slowly brighten. I reach into my back pack for my phone and snap a picture of the sunrise.

"Pretty ain't it." A male's voice says.

I look over and see someone shoving a bag into the compartments above us.

"Yes." I mumble. I'm not good with talking to people...then he looks down at me. fucking way. I stare at him as he sits next to me. My brain is spinning.


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