The two nodded their heads, agreeing with the spaz. Their crushes are bad for their hearts.

"Y-yesterday I saw C-craig with some girl! Oh god - What if h-he likes her! Oh man, too much pressure!"

Tucker turned around noticing his best friend calling his name. His heart started beating faster when he noticed him stressing. The teen worried that he's the reason for his stress. So he walked towards him to calm him down.

"Hey Tweekers, calm down dude. It's ok. You're ok." The blue chullo hat cupped his cheeks. "Stop stressing out alright." He then left to go to Kenny and Stan. He never got along with them but he had all his classes with them. So he decided to walk to 1st period with the two.

Marsh grinned looking back at Tweek. Then at Kyle as he winked at him. "You like him don't you?" Stan asked teasing him. Craig just flipped him off. Kenny turned around and smiled at Butters. As the three left, the other three blushed a deep red.

Kyle shook his head and slammed his locker. "That bastard..." He was obviously embarrassed of what his best friend did. Why the hell would he even wink at him?! He really hates him right now. If only he knew that Jew likes him more than a super best friend.

Butters rolled his eyes. That smile was the smile McCormick used to flirt with other girls. But that didn't mean it didn't affect Stotch. He still blushed mad, disliking the way his fake smile got to him. His heart always raced whenever he sees an orange parka. Gee this is really killing me.

They walked into class as if nothing ever happened.

It's lunchtime and the crew sat in their usual seats. Craig's gang sat next to each other and Cartman's group sat across from them. Butters was sitting next to Kenny. The short blonde squirmed in his seat. He was always nervous when he sat next to the orange parka wearing male. Kenny noticed his squirms. He smirked and leaned in towards his face. Everyone rolled their eyes, already knowing how much McCormick can be a tease. Kyle and Tweek glanced at each other, worrying about their friend.

Butters had told the two that he can't handle his teasing and flirting. The reason for that is because he does the same exact thing but with other girls. The short blonde didn't know why he was doing this but it was hurting him already. Right when he saw that smirk of his, he stood up abruptly and ran straight for the restroom. Kenny watched him run. He frowned. Did he do something wrong? McCormick observes Stotch everyday. When he smirked down on him, he could tell that his best friend was in the verge of tears. He wasn't sure what he did to cause that but he tried to ignore the stingy feeling coming from his heart.

"Way to go, Kenny." Cartman managed to say as he chowed down on his sandwich. "He's probably crying in the bathroom stall like a little girl."

This triggered Kyle as he slammed the table with his fist. "Shut up Fatass!" He and Eric always had pointless fights ever since elementary. The Jew tried to stop arguing nonsense but what that idiot said made him mad.

Cartman glared at him. "Ey! Don't call me fat you fucking Jew!"

As usual Stan defended Kyle. When were the two gonna stop fighting? They have no idea. Craig's crew sweat dropped. They didn't know why they even hung out with them. Tweek eyed the men's bathroom, waiting for Butters to come out. The spaz then stared Kenny. That dumbass. Tweek had thought. If only he knew the feelings Butters has for him. The coffee obsessed freak never liked attention. But what he said to McCormick sure did catch the group's attention.

"A-are you going to confront him? Or are you gonna w-wait till he c-comes out of that stall like the pussy you are?" The twitchy blonde didn't realize what he said. Then out of the corner of his eye he noticed the shocked faces that were staring at him. Even Craig was shocked. And let me tell you. That blue chullo hat wearing guy doesn't show his emotions at school. Like ever.

Kenny got up from his seat and nodded his head to Tweek. He didn't had to say anything else to let the crew know that he was gonna apologize for whatever reason that made Butters run off like that. He closed the door behind him and that was that. The spaz gulped and started drinking his coffee again. The eyes that were staring at him was too much pressure! But then those eyes stopped staring at the twitcher.

Craig grinned, wrapping his arm around his best friend's shoulders. Clyde and Token exchanged glances, amused at Craig flirting. The blue chullo boy might not think it's flirting at all. But his friends sure thought it was. Tucker smirked at the spaz, impressed at what he had done. "I didn't know you had it in you."

Tweek smiled as he still kept drinking his coffee. "T-there's a lot that you don't k-know."

He frowned, confused at what he meant. Is he hiding something from him? But the twitchy blonde is always open to him so why did he say that there's a lot he doesn't know? That was their special thing. Telling one another their secrets and what not. Sure it seemed gay but it was something that kept their friendship together. Craig doesn't deserve Tweek. He never did. But now knowing that he's keeping secrets? He's going to get to the bottom of this.

Cartman scoffed, watching Kenny and Butters walk out of the restroom. "You two were probably making out in there, huh?"

But the both of them were not in the mood to argue with the fat boy. Kyle gave a look at Tweek and so did he. The two were suspiciously quiet and the tension in the lunchroom was thick. Until the bell rang. Stotch quickly ran towards the exit of the cafeteria. Kenny followed after him. The Jew and spaz sighed, worried about what happened in the men's restroom. The two were whispering to each other what might've happened, that they forgot about their best friends walking beside them.

A vein popped on both Stan's and Craig's forehead. One thing they have in common is that they hate to be ignored. Specifically their best friends ignoring them. Stan crossed his arms and grunted. "So you're just ignore us?"

The two snapped out of realization, apologizing to the two boys.

Then the walk to P.E turned awkward.

I'm so hyped because my 'What is love' Zoro x Nami fanfic is coming to an end soon! So I decided to make a south park fanfic because I wanted to make one for the past month. This is the first chapter and I don't think the future chapters will be this long. I hope you enjoyed this! And what do you think happened in the bathroom stall? Comment what you think and I might as well add it! Good bye now

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