Ch7:Welcome to the Spirit world

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As they walked through, Aki marveled at the sight. The spirit world was a mix of purple and blue, with spirits of all sizes floating around.

Aki clutched Mai's arm a little tighter when she wasn't able to see the pathway. Mai sighed and rolled her eyes before walking.

"Let's go, the path stays still so you don't have to worrid." Mai grumbled as she tried to shake Aki off of her arm, but with no success.

The more that the two kept going, the more that Aki could see the crowd beginning to thin. Most of the spirits popped in randomly, and left just as randomly. There wasn't a set door, but they seemed to know how to get where they want.

A dragon spirit suddenly swooped too close to the duo, causing Mai to growl and Aki to jump back.


Mai's yelling had no effect as the dragon spirit had already disappeared into the path in front of them.

"W-why are they p-popping in and out like that?"

Mai sighed, again. This wasn't exactly the way she wanted to introduce her to the spirit world, but she was in a rush.

"Because they know where they're going. There's certain portals from that you can see when you have your own shrine. Only I can see the portal to my shrine because I'm the only wolf spirit left."

Aki nodded and took it in, until another question came to mind.

"What do the portals look like?"

"They're huge circles of glowy crap, just like how you'd imagine them from movies."

"But I never-"

"Look, I will answer your questions later when we're not in a rush. So shut up and follow me. The portal's up ahead."

With that Aki grew quiet and instead looked at all the spirits around her. She jumped back as she realized they were all looking at her and Mai.

Mai, on the other hand, had already seen her portal and was quickly walking towards it. She dragged Aki along, and when they got close enough, she pulled her to a stop.

"This is it. You go through first."

Mai tried to push Aki forward, but she wouldn't budge.

"What are you waiting for? Just jump through already!"

"You expect me to jump at a blank piece of universe?! I can't see it!"

Mai groaned and grabbed Aki's wrists. She took a step forward and flung the young fox spirit into her portal before jumping in herself.

A small rushing sound filled her head, and Mai's threw her head back at the familiar feeling.

She felt perfectly content, but Aki wasn't. Aki was screaming and flailing around at the unfamiliar sensation.

Suddenly, Aki hit the ground with a thud. She groaned in pain and was about to pick herself up, when Mai's feet landed in her back.

Mai fell backwards and hit the ground, and both girls were sprawled out in pain.

"Why didn't you move out of the way?!"

"I've never done this before so cut me some slack!"

Both girls growled at each other, ready to go at it when footsteps cut them off. The girls looked up to see a wolf walking towards them. The wolf had a certain glow around its' tan pelt, and its eyes were narrowed at Aki.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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