Ch2:Got cha

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Mai's Pov~

"Oh man when dad finds out about this he's going to put me in the Hachi for weeks" I muttered to myself while mentally facepalming myself.

I walked back to my house carrying the passed out girl that saw me in the alley. I couldn't just leave her there im not that cruel!!!

'I can't believe I let this happen,'I thought to myself.

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~

We arrived at my apartment I took the key out of my pocket. I opened the door slowly as to not wake the girl up and be heard.

"It looks like dad isn't back from his night lesson at his Judo yet"I said quietly to myself.

I carefully shut the door with my foot, still trying not to wake the girl up, carrying her to my room and laying her down in my bed.

"Now I better call Frost to help me fix this mess," I stated pulling out my phone. I started to turn it on before looking at the girl again. Hm. She might be hungry.

"I should probably go make her something to eat for when she wakes up," I thought to myself.

Making my way to the kitchen I started dialing Frosts number then I started feeling this strange spirit-like energy.

I looked around to see where it was coming from and found it was coming from my room. I grabbed Shinron(my spirit axe) and headed towards my room sneakily.

When I got there I was already in a fighting pose waiting for an attack but found there was nothing. Just the girl snoring in my bed. I shrugged it off and headed back to the kitchen to make soup for the girl. I put Shinron back in his container and called Frost waiting for her to answer.

"Hello?" She asked curiously.

"Hey it's me I need you to come over"

"Now can't it wait Im in the mid-


"Ok,ok I'll be there soon, and fyi, if it wasn't for my *STUPID BOOKS* THEN YOU WOULDN'T KNOW HOW TO KILL A LEVEL 7 HALLOW!!!!"

I winced pulling the phone away from my ear closing one eye in pain from her yelling. It was disrupting my ear drum.

"Just get your ass over here"I demanded in annoyance.

With that being said I hung up and headed to my room with a tray of food in my hands,when I got there I notice that the girl was still asleep

I set the tray down on my desk as I sat down in my chair but I suddenly felt that spirit energy come back to me again.I looked around to see where it's coming from than I locked my eyes on the feeling that's where it's coming from.

'Is this where it's coming from? How is this possible? Who is this girl?' I thought to myself.

Suddenly I heard tapping on my window that brought me back to reality. I looked up and saw it was a white owl and knowing who it was,I went over to the window to open it. In came Frost turning back into her human form.

"I came over as soo-OH MY ARTEMIS MAI,WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?"she yelled. I quickly put my hand over her mouth before shushing her.

"Ok one, I didn't do anything to her, and two, SHUT THE HELL UP BEFORE YOU WAKE HER"I whisper-yelled quietly. If there's one thing I hate most it's when people accuse me for something I didn't do or for no good freaking reason.

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