Ch4:Join the Pack or Don't p1

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I walked into my room again, closing the door behind me to keep Frost and Dad out.

"Okay. I got a few questions for you to- hey where did you go?" I whispered the last part to myself.

That girl was no where in sight, but it was pretty cold in here. I glanced over to the window to find it open.

'Dammit, she escaped out the window! I guess I'll have to track her down and drag her ass back here then.' I thought to myself before grabbing my phone and hopping out the window.


Aki's POV:

Success! I managed to escape Mr. Okami and his crazy daughter by going out the window. Kidnappers should know better to not leave anything unlocked!

I fled through the streets, nearly getting ran over by a car! People looked at me funny as though they've never seen a girl run like she's just escaped from a kidnapper at eight in the morning.

Oh wait...they haven't...

I stopped to catch my breath beside a store. I need to go before she- hey is that-


~~**10 minutes later**~~

Ok now where was I? Oh right. Running from the psycho called Mr. Okami's daughter. Ya know, I think I'll just call her psycho for short.

I looked left and right, not seeing her anywhere. I continued my walk down the street like a normal person. If I ran now, I would draw her attention and I want to at least get back home so I can call Hitoru to come stay with me and defend me from Psycho.

A flash of brown hair made me stop right in my tracks. I looked up to see psycho on the rooftop of a building a few meters away.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Dammit pocky! If you hadn't distracted me, I'd be home by now!

I saw her look around before jumping away on the rooftops. Phew!

I wonder why no one noticed her. I mean, people used to yell at the kids for being on the roofs. Weird, it was one even saw her at all.

I shook off the thoughts and took a left into an alleyway. Yeah I know, I should be careful of alleyways, but she would expect me NOT to go in there. So if she doesn't suspect it, she won't find me easily.

Good thinking brain!

(Thanks, I try!)

I got to the end of the alleyway to see my apartment complex within sight. Yes! I finally chose the right shortcut!

I sped walked up to the apartments and walked up the steps to my own. I was fumbling with the keys to unlock it until I finally just took a deep breath.

Ok Aki, you need to calm down. Maybe she was just trying to apologize? Nah, more like kidnap me again to tell me all about the stupid fantasy work she lives in constantly. But that white ball thing, she called it a spirit? Who knows, maybe she drugged me on some powerful medicine.

I opened the apartment complex to see it all dark. Just like how I left it the other day. No sign of psycho. Thank goodness!

I sighed in relief and went into the kitchen to put my pocky away.

Now that that's finished, I need a long shower to take my mind off of things...

~~** 50 minutes later**~~

I walked out of my small bathroom with a fluffy white towel around my body and my hair. So fluffy! :3

I walked into my room and dug through my closet for some comfy clothes. I don't have work until tomorrow because thankfully, it was Sunday. Meaning I had the rest of my day to do something productive like barricading my door and praying psycho doesn't break in.

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