Ch3:What does the fox say?

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??? pov~
As I was in a deep, blissful sleep I dreamed about that girl again. Her icy blue eyes gleamed in the sunlight and her long dark brown hair swayed with the breeze. Cherry blossoms started to float down as she walked along a dirt path.

In the dream, she was wearing what seemed to be a long, black Greek dress with only one sleeve and had no shoe's on. All of sudden she stopped walking and I heard her voice,

"Kitsune, wake up"

My eyes shot fluttered open to a purple ceiling with a poster cut out of a moon.

'Where am I? This isn't my room!'

I heard this beeping sound and turned to my left to see a girl with shoulder-length, snow white hair, and gray eyes working on some type of device.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to say something she noticed me.

"Oh, your finally awake I see, Mai will be happy about this" she said as she smiled at me. I shrunk back, not knowing what to do in this situation.

Oh cheesesticks, what if these are my kidnappers and they want to murder me to keep me silent?!?!

Well she smiled so I doubt she's a mean person, especially if she's cares about your wellbeing at the moment.

But still-

"Um...I hate to be rude but where am I and who are you?" I asked while cutting off my arguing thoughts. I felt kinda light-headed as soon as I sat up slightly.

"Oh yes well you don't move for a second" she demanded while struggling to get something from her side pocket.

Than I felt something fuzzy on my hand I look and saw a white ball like creature rubbing it's head on my hand and looked at me while making a *meep* sound.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed in fear because I had no idea what that thing was. What the hell is it doing?!

Than the next thing I saw was that the girl brought out a silver gun with light blue markings on it. She pointed it at the little white thing that somehow made it's way on the dresser, and shot at it but missed and accidentally hit a glass wolf figure. The little white ball creature was hopping from place to place!

I opened my mouth to scream again when all of the sudden, the door slammed open and in came a girl and a man. I couldn't distinguish the man as he was behind the girl, but the girl had icy blue eyes...I swear I've seen her before....

Oh right, she's the girl that tried to kill me in the alleyway. God, please save me!

back to Mai's pov*

"What was that?" Dad asked while trying to peer around me to look at my room.

"Nothing, just Frost fangirling again." I stated innocently while turning Dad around to direct him to the living room.

"Well, Dad it's been a long day and you have work bright and early tomorrow so let's get you to-"

But than the next thing I know I heared a *bang'* like the sound of a gun followed by a *crash* that sounded like glass breaking.

"Shit. I'm screwed!" I thought to myself as I ran to my room. My Dad's footsteps pounded on the floor behind me.

I slammed open my door to see what was going on. In a swift second I saw something small and white bouncing off the wall's zooming everywhere.

"Really?! Not this crap again!" I shouted as Frost fired the gun at it again. The white familiar bounced close to me. I shot my hand out and gripped it tightly before bringing it up to eye level. (the picture at the top is the little creature that's bouncing off the walls)

As one falls, Another risesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz