✳ 100 ✳

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Wowow this is the 100th chapter!!

I wanted to do something special for this occasion so there's gonna be 30 puns, pickup lines and quotes because I bet you were thinking I'd do 100. I'm sPoNtAnEoUs wowow nO oNe sAw tHiS cOmInG!!1!

I'm a disappointment.

I'm sorry.

Thank you to everyone that's been voting or commenting, and thank you to the silent readers, too :D

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Thank you to everyone that's been voting or commenting, and thank you to the silent readers, too :D

1. What do you call dental x-rays? Tooth pics.

2. What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll.

3. Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his collection except one. He will never give you Up.

4. What do you call a belt made entirely of watched? A waist of time.

5. What is Forrest Gump's password? 1Forrest1.

6. Did you hear about the two guys that stole a calendar? They each got six months.

7. What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint.

8. I was going to tell an airplane joke, but you wouldn't understand it. It's way over your head.

9. What kind of dog is always surprised? A chi-wow-ah.

10. How do spiders communicate? Through the worldwide web.

11. What rock group have four men that don't sing?

12. What do houses wear? Addresses.

13. Do you have a sunburn? Or are you always this hot?

14. You shouldn't kiss anyone on January 1st because it's only the first date.

15. "Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful." - Unknown

16. Why isn't Cinderella on the soccer team? Her coach is a pumpkin.

17. Why did the florist run out of business? Too many problems a rose.

18. "A ship is always safe at shore but that is not what it's built for." -  Albert Einstein

19. On a scale from 1 to America, how free are you tonight?

20. "Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world." - Roald Dahl

21. Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?

22. Is math your favorite subject? Because you're pretty at every angle.

23. "Accept what is. Let go of what was. Believe in what will be." - Unknown

24. Is your face from McDonald's? Because I'm lovin' it.

25. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? A frostbite.

26. I changed my iPod name to Titanic. It's syncing now.

27. When she told me I was average, she was just being mean.

28. What do you call a cow with 3 legs? Lean beef.

29. Do you have a map? I get lost in your eyes.

30. "I began to realize how important it was to be an enthusiast in life. If you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it full speed. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it and above all become passionate about it. Lukewarm is no good." - Roald Dahl

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