Break up

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"Why are you so focused on saving Elena, Nancy? They aren't your friends and her and her friends will kill you the first chance they get, I can guarantee it."

"I'll be fine Elijah."

"No you won't the spell will kill you and I won't allow it." Elijah was slowly raising his voice, which he never did.

"Why not I've lived for over 100 years and I've watched so many of my friends die and Elena deserves to live! She is not much older than I was!"

"No Nancy, I'm not letting you die for the doppelgänger and you know it's not the same!" Elijah screamed at me before biting his wrist and shoving it in my mouth. "At least now if you die you'll come back!"

"You bastard! You know if I become a vampire I'll lose my powers!"

"Well at least you'll be alive Nancy!"

"I hope you know I will never forgive you and I hope Klaus daggers you so I'll never have to see you again!" I ran into the bathroom with years streaming down my face and tried everything to get the blood out of my system but I knew it was useless, so I settled for washing the horrid copper taste of vampire blood out of my mouth.

I packed a bag full of money and a few days clothes and shoes. I walked out without even a glance at him.


"Elena!" I called out as I entered the grill and I walked over to her. "Hey I way over reacted the other day I know why you did it but I want to help protect you and I hope I can still be friends with all three of you."

"Are you sure? I mean you've been with Elijah for over 130 years and you've only known me for a few weeks."

"Yes and you're important to Dad and Uncle Stefan and they've lost way too much already. Anyway Elijah is such an ass who's mind is still in the tenth century when woman had to have all decisions made for them."

"You broke up with Elijah? I need to go home I'm sorry but you have to tell Me everything tomorrow."

"Of course Elena bye." I walked out of the grill and then I felt a cloth pressed up against my face and then it all went dark.


"Caroline?" I asked as I woke up strapped to a chair.

"And witchy awakes."

"What do you want?"

"What makes you think I want something sweet pea."

"Well kidnappers generally want something and I've been kidnapped and tortured more times than I can count."

"Do you know what would be nice? if you shut up."

"That's not very nice" I told him and he squirted me with water mixed with Witch Hazel which burned my skin but I refused to give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

"Brady they want proof we have their friend and who is this?" The female werewolf Jules asked the man torturing Caroline and I.

"Nancy Mikaelson I'm sure the Salvatores know just who she is." Brady brought out a knife and slashed it across my stomach ruining my top.

"This is designer and a present you owe me a new one never mind slashing someone's stomach is so rude and not nice didn't your mother teach you manners."

"She didn't live long enough to or do you not remember killing her and my sister with your little boyfriend Klaus.

"Oh yes I remember her it was fun tearing your sister in pieces while your bitch of a mother tried so hard to stop us. You know what they say bitches are all bark no bite."

Brady punched me but I guess I finally got to him after a few hours because I could feel myself losing consciousness and I just hoped I wouldn't die because I really didn't want to become a vampire.

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