The remaining Christopher

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Lucy walked in tow with me as we walked into Katherine's hotel room and Katherine pinned me to the wall. "Never sneak up on a vampire Nancy!" Katherine said to me as she let me go then she hugged me and Lucy.

"So Katherine why did you call me and Nancy here?" Lucy asked Katherine as she hugged her.

"Lucy I need you to link me to my doppelganger Elena Gilbert."

"And I am here because Katherine?" I jumped down onto the king-sized bed as Lucy and Katherine talked.

"You are here to gain people's trust in the town." I realised that Katherine's hair was straight and I was curious as to why as it was usually curly. "Katherine what are you up to?"

"Your smart Nancy. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Anyway the three of us are going to a Masquerade ball tonight at the Lockwood's."

"Well that's great but some notice might have been nice because me and Lucy don't have dresses."

"Of course you do they're in the closet." I walked into the wardrobe and saw two dress bags one labelled Nancy and the other one labelled Lucy. I took both of them and handed Lucy's to her and took my dress out of my bag.

I went into the bathroom and got changed into my dress which was embellished around the waist and a light pinkish cream colour. I then came out the bathroom and got started on my make up as Lucy went into her bathroom to get changed into her dress. My makeup was pretty much how it usually was but I put on white eye shadow as well, then I curled my fiery orange hair and I put on my locket that I took off to put my dress on. I put in cross earrings then I pulled on a pair of white elbow length gloves and put my bangles and my silver bracelet on top of them. I put on my shoes as Lucy finished her makeup and the three of us left the apartment and got into a car which Katherine had compelled a driver.

When we got to the Lockwood mansion I was surprised at how much land they had they didn't even have a quarter of the land back in the 1800's as they do now.

Katherine walked over to a man, but I didn't really look at him. I could tell he was a vampire and Lucy went off somewhere but I went straight to the champagne and grabbed a drink after all I would need one after coming back to mystic falls after 135 years.

I was 149 years old and when I was 14 I left mystic falls after hearing the founders council were going to burn me so I ran. Me being 149 years old I was able to tell if I was near any other supernatural beings and there were all three of the main supernatural beings which meant Katherine lied. Again. Katherine had told us there were no witches involved but there was because I could sense the witch's magic.

A dark skinned girl bumped into me and normally I would've made a snide remark about her watching where she was but I didn't because it was her. She was the witch, and she was a Bennet witch a descendent of Emily's like Lucy was. "Sorry. Wait do I know you?"

"No, But I know what you are did you feel that? That is what you feel when you come in contact with another witch and I know you and your friends are plotting against Katherine." The witch had a shocked look on her face which then turned into determination.

"I don't care if you're a witch I won't let you stop us."

"Who said anything about stopping you Katherine is the reason my whole family is either dead or left me I want her dead more then all of you. Well apart from maybe Damon." A smirk crossed my lips as Bonnie narrowed her eyes at the mention of Damon.

"How do I now you're not lying and on her team?"

"Bonnie witches are connected by their magic we're basically related and anyway I'm not here for Katherine I'm here on my own terms no one controls me especially not good for nothing whores like Katherine Pierce."

"Okay I believe you, follow me." Bonnie said as she walked down the hall and we walked into a room which had three vampires in it and I recognised all three of them.

"Hello Katherine." I said smirking at her standing just outside the room.

"Nancy let me out now."

"Nah I'm alright because Katherine we were never friends and I never forgave you, oh and does Damon know the truth of how Lydia died?" I asked her a smile forming on my face I was finally going to get revenge on Katherine Pierce. Stefan staked Katherine but not in her heart just to make her hurt. A boy came in only about one or two years older than my physical age.

"Stop Stefan you're hurting Elena." How on earth did I forget that that Lucy linked Elena and Katherine god I was so stupid sometimes.

"Katherine's linked to Elena if you kill Katherine you kill your precious girlfriend Stef.

"Who are you and how the hell do you know who I am."

"The leprechauns told me obviously." Stefan had no idea what to say about that so he turned to Katherine.

"Why do you need the moonstone? Why would you want to break the curse that makes the werewolves have an advantage other vampires?"

"She doesn't Stefan." I said leaning against the wall. "She wants to make a deal with a friend of mine, who by the way Katherine won't agree to it because he has been hunting you for over five hundred years - killing my mother made him very mad Katherine."

"Nancy since when are you besties with him he used the witches in your family for years for his own gain."

"Oh and you didn't Katherine and anyway that changed in the 1700s because my family changed we work for no one we only do our allies favours now." Stefan and Damon looked confused and were about to interrupt our argument when Lucy walked in with the thing I needed the most the moonstone.

"When I hand this over my debt is paid."


"I owe you nothing Katherine."

"I said done!" Lucy handed her the moonstone and we exchanged smirks. Katherine fell to the floor gasping for air as me and Lucy glared at her.

"You should've told us a witch was involved Katherine, we didn't want anyone to know we were involved." I said while I kept glaring at her.

"Especially a Bennet witch. Bye Vamps!" I linked arms with Lucy and we walked out after telling Katherine she was free to go. When we got outside Bonnie Lucy's cousin walked up to us.

"How do I know you? Why did I feel like I could trust you?"

"Bonnie is it?" Bonnie nodded and Lucy carried on "Have you ever felt that before?"

"Yes mainly around my family. My grams."

"That's what you feel when your around family, around other witches." Me and Lucy started to walk away but Bonnie grabbed my arm.

"Wait there's so much I need to ask you two and who are you anyway I never got your name."

"I'm Nancy that moonstone that Lucy here gave to the little vampire slut I need to give to my friend so I'll be sticking around for a while and that girl made my life a hell so I'm sticking around to taunt her."

"How do I stay out vampires business Lucy? I don't want to keep helping them."

"Bonnie don't. You're one of the good ones unlike me you can help them. Bye cuz this won't be the last you see of me."

"Later Bonnie don't get too wrapped up in the vamps like me." I shouted at her and then both me and Lucy laughed where a car was waiting for us. "Hey Luce have a good drive back to where ever you came from call me soon and I'll keep you updated on all things that go wrong in my life I'll see you in a few months."

"Look after yourself girl and keep those vampire friends of yours that you keep talking about on tight leashes especially Katherine's play toys."

"You too Luce have fun and don't get yourself in trouble I don't want to leave if I'm in the middle of something just to save your ass bye." I walked off after the car left and I felt someone put something over my mouth and before I could do anything I fell into darkness.

The remaining Christopher (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now