Chapter 19

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"Sonia I'll go inside and check for Sara, you stay here and keep a watch. If you see anything suspicious just signal me, understood?". Sam gave me the instruction for the tenth time.

"Yes, Sam. Now can we do it already. It's almost 3 in the morning. What if she wakes up!"

"Fine, let's go then." We had kept everything packed and ready with us in our backpacks as our plan was to run as soon as we pick Sara up.

We came out of the cafe and moved towards the church with cat feets. The street was so quite that we could hear each others' breath.

We were in the middle of the road when I heard something and grabbed Sam by his hand," Sh.... Sam, I heard something".

We moved on the side of the road and hid behind a tree. The sound became stronger and we saw the church door opening. Stacy slipped out from that door and locked the door back. She was wearing the same outfit which she had put on when we first met her.
So the bitch is back on the hunt. She moved out of the church gate and we saw her going in the opposite direction. There was a hint of carelessness in her walk. My mind replayed everything that happened in the last week as I saw her fade away from my vision.

"Good heavens she's gone. Now, we can rescue Sara with ease. Come on. Hurry up!" Sam said rushing towards the church.

I followed him. We unlocked the door and as Sam was about to enter I stopped him, "Sam, wait. I think it'll be better if Sara sees me first. She is familiar with me."

He took a second to agree with me and nodded. I took a deep breath and opened the door. As the door opened and I entered inside the memories of Mom and Ravi resurfaced and made me gloomy. I moved forward and saw Sara sleeping on a small couch kept at a corner. She had curled up herself in a foetal position. I came near her and gently stroked her head with my hand. And the next moment she opened her eyes startled by my touch. Her eyes had fear.

"Shhh.... Shhh.... Sara, it's Ok. It's me Sonia. It's Ok. I'm here to take you with me", I said looking into her eyes.

Her eyes soften up and she became all ready and hugged me tightly.

"Bad aunt will not let me go. She'll beat you and her monster friends will kill you", she said sobbing.

"No, Sara we'll run. She won't be able to catch us. Come on let's go before she comes back", I said standing back up.

She held my hands and we moved out of the church. Sam was tapping his foot nervously at the entrance with his back facing us. He turned around as he heard us approaching, "Hurry up Sonia, you took ages to come out", he said in hushed tone.

I just widen my eyes in response and then slid out of the door. He closed the door back and locked it. We tip toed back through the gate and crossed the road.

"Okay now, the easy part has been done. Now comes the hardest part. We have to run away from here in the opposite direction of where Stacy went with all our strength so that we could cover as much distance as we could before sunrise", he said tying the pace of his shoes tightly. " Give her to me. I'll carry her", he said pulling Sara from my arms but she refused to let me go and clutched me even tighter.

"It's okay Sara, he is my friend. It's okay baby. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise", I said putting my fingers through her hair.

"My brother said that to me too. But he left me alone", she said. I could see sadnesses in her eyes and could hear sorrow in her voice. I was wrong about her earlier. I thought she had no idea of what was happening around us. I thought she was happy and ignorant. How wrong I was. With her parents dead, his brother gone and she being forced to live with Stacy, used as pawn to lure people like us only to be seen snatched away from her by the aliens just like his brother would have, she was much more terrified than any of us. Poor soul!

"You are talking about your brother José, right?", I said looking at her.

The moment she heard his name her eyes lit in excitement. " Yes, you know my brother?" She chuckled.

"Of course! In fact he only sent us to pick you up. He wants you safe. He promised you and he sent us to protect you".

"Protect me from bad aunt?"

"Yes, and from those monsters."

"Why didn't he come himself?"

"Well, because he had to go rescue a girl even smaller than you who doesn't have a brother like yours. She was all alone and afraid. So he thought, he would go rescue her and sent us for you."

"He could have sent you to save that girl."

I smiled at her innocence," Yes, may be. But he knows that you are a big girl now and you'll understand. Whereas that girl is too small. What do you think, are you big enough?"

"Yes, I am. I understand. That girl is too small so she needs my brother more than me", she said smiling.

I gave her a tight and and kissed her cheeks, "Good girl, now let him carry you for sometime while I'll carry the back pack. Now we must hurry up, bad aunt might be back anytime."

She nodded and went in Sam's arms without hesitation this time. And we were ready to begin our journey once again.


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