Chapter 7

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“Sonia, Sonia …. SONIA...!”, I heard a loud voice. I opened my eyes, it was him, Sam. He was still holding me and was trying to wake me up.

“Wake up. They have brought some food. See”, he pointed towards the corner of the prison door.
I rubbed my eyes and saw where he was pointing. There were two small green packets kept in the corner. I gave puzzled looks to Sam.
He unwrapped his arms and stood up and moved ahead to pick the packets. He picked them up and handed both to me and said, “I know you are very hungry. Here you can have both. I am anyways not hungry.”

How could someone who seems so rude and tough from outside, be so soft and sensitive from inside. I wondered.

“No, both of us will eat. Here take this”. I handed one of the packets back to him.
He took it hesitatingly. I opened the packet. It had two bread pieces and one slice of apple along with a red capsule in it.

“What the fuck is this shit? Bastards. Living on our planet and not letting us eat our own food. Bloody assholes”, I couldn’t control my anger after seeing the shit they had given us to eat after starving us to near death.

“Wo wo wo… hold. Relax. Just eat it. At least they are giving us something to eat. Eat now.” Said Sam.

“And what is this capsule for?” I asked.

“Well I think these are some kind of multivitamin capsule. They used to give it to me when I was with other prisoners. Probably they want us to stay healthy for their experiments.”

“But, how do you know that these are multivitamin capsules and not some pill to make us crazy or something.”

“I am a biotechnologist and I have been eating it since months and have guessed it. I suspected the same in the beginning and avoided the pills but I started getting weaker day by day until the Aliens forcefully started feeding me the pills and my health gradually improved back to normal. So, you know. Take the pill after you finish your food.”

I hated the ‘FOOD’ completely, but was very hungry to complain anymore so I ate it or rather swallowed it. I took the pill as well.
As soon as we finished our meal two of the Aliens entered the room, handcuffed us and dragged us out of the room. We crossed a long corridor again but this time the corridor had fewer rooms on the way and all of them were closed and nobody could see inside. We kept walking until we reached an area where it was completely dark and I could hardly see anything. I started walking slowly to avoid falling. The Alien holding my handcuffs pushed me to make me move faster and I fell on the ground. I noticed that the floor was a bit rocky and I hurt my knees badly.

“Aaaah you son of a bitch”, I screamed in pain.

But before I could get up, he pulled me holding me by my hair and pushed me again on the ground.
I fell on the ground violently. This time I hurt my palms. I pulled myself up and stood up wiping my face. Both Aliens started roaring. They were laughing at me probably. I looked at Sam, he signalled me to stay calm by blinking his eyes.

We crossed the dark area after walking for next twenty minutes and then we stopped at a crossroad.  God this seems like a maze. Almost impossible to remember the way.
I was still trying to guess, which way they will be taking us now, when the two Aliens started moving in the opposite direction.

“What, wait no NO NO….”, I started screaming as I saw Sam moving away from me in the opposite direction. I didn’t want to be alone again.

“Sonia, calm down. I’ll see you soon. I promise. Just stay safe.…. For me”, he said as I saw him disappear in the dark.

My eyes became misty but I didn’t cry this time. I wanted to though.
The Alien dragged me as I resisted to move in the direction he was taking me to. He kept dragging me until I finally turned around and started moving in the right direction. This time he took me to a large cabin. I looked around, it was a huge cabin with everything installed new and neat. It had huge ceiling which was covered with hundreds of tiny LEDs. Had white walls. There was a huge cabinet at my right hand side, pure white in colour with glass doors. It was filled with numerous small colourful bottles. The bottles were in shape of an hourglass, filled with some liquid. There were numerous high rest chairs in the cabin, a centre table and few armaments kept in a corner.

Gosh, now what? When will this tour of mine around the Aliens’ residence will end , I thought. I was still looking around the room when another Alien entered the room from a door from the backside of the cabin. He was HUGE. Around 15 feet tall, weighing almost 600-700 pounds, had thick large black braided hair on the head. His eyes were strange red with pale crimson body. He was not very muscular but quite plump. He could hardly move. He had fewer teeth in his mouth. Maybe a few hundred only.

This is one ugly shit, I thought. He smelled like a rotten egg. I felt like puking but controlled by minimal breathing to avoid the smell.

The Alien holding me said something to the other Alien. He listened and just nodded his head in reply. Then he moved forward towards me. I moved slightly backwards but the Alien holding me pulled me again. The huge alien approached me and started staring me. He leaned forward to come face to face with me. He looked at me from top to bottom as if trying to check me out. I looked away from him. Then he opened mouth, it was large enough to swallow a whole turkey. He rolled his tongue out, it was long black slimy and very bit ugly. He started licking my face. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips as tightly as I could. I clenched my fists and lifted my ankles. I had a strong urge to puke and it was becoming difficult for me to control anymore. He removed his tongue from my face and folded it back into his mouth. I opened my eyes and puked with a blow all over him the next minute. He roared in disgust and waved towards the Alien shouting at him. The Alien dragged me out of the cabin.
He took me back to the same cell where I was locked with Sam before. Sam was not there. I was missing him. I had only met him twice and yet I was missing him badly and the more I was thinking about him the more restless I felt. My throat was chocking and I want cry. I don’t know what was happening to me. Why suddenly this stranger had become so important to me. “Stay safe for me” …these words of him were banging in my head again and again. It made me feel good to know that he wanted me to stay safe… FOR HIM.

Who was this fat alien?

Will Sonia and Sam ever meet again?

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