Chapter 17

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"What happened Sonia? Why aren't you speaking anything? Sonia, Sonia!", Sam kept shrugging and shaking me to say something but I just couldn't speak. I was shocked, terrified and hurt. Why did Stacy lie to us? I couldn't think of any possible reason. A reason, reasonable enough to justify her lie. There was only one person who could give me answers for this, Stacy herself.

"Sam, we have to hurry up. We need to get to the church as soon as possible. My mom and brother are not safe there. Hurry up Sam let's go. I'll explain everything on the way." I said pulling Sam along with me out of that house.

We started running again, hiding behind the buildings and trees. I so wanted to take some vehicle on the way but that would have been easily spotted by the aliens. We kept running for next two hours hardly stopping on the way. My feet were shaking and my backpain had resurfaced. But I didn't want to stop. I couldn't. There was a war going inside my mind. Sam was tired too. I could clearly see his breathing becoming heavier and his feet had started trembling. But still he kept running holding my hands firmly.

Finally we arrived at the church. We were standing at the road across the church. My eyes became gloomy with the thought of seeing mom and Ravi again. I leaped forward with a new energy to cross the road but Sam pulled me back before I could move further.

"What the hell Sam! Let's go."

"Hush Sonia, listen", he said making a gesture to listen at a sound coming from far.

He was right. The sound of motor vehicles was becoming louder and louder with every passing second. Within few minutes the vehicles came into our visibility. We hid ourselves behind a were out dumb truck.

We saw three jeeps halting in front of the church gate. Around fifteen aliens climbed down from the jeeps. They were led by a huge 10 feet tall braided alien, who had a much redder complexion. Almost blood red. My heart became heavy. They were entering straight into the church. Oh no, they will find mom and Ravi.

I wanted to run inside to warn them, but it was impossible. I would have been killed before even crossing the road. I could just be a mute spectator and pray for their safety. I closed my eyes and rested my head at the tyre of the truck. Sam cluched my hand trying to comfort me. I didn't respond. We could hear sounds of chaos going around inside the church. After around ten minutes we saw the aliens coming out of the building followed by few prisoners. First an old man around sixties of age, pot bellied, short and all white beard and white hair on his almost bald skull. He couldn't walk properly. He came out limping with his hands tied with the similar handcuff as mine at the time of my arrest. One of the aliens dragged him roughly to make him move faster and the old man lost his balance and fell on the ground with his face hitting hard on the marbled floor. Blood started oozing out of his lips which were slit apart during the fall. He was struggling hard to get up but the alien was putting a lot of strain on his chain making it hard for the old man to get up. Bloody disgusting. These aliens are worst than the worst monters on this earth.

Then I saw mom coming out of the church with her hand cuffed. She rushed towards the old man and helped him stand up again. Although the old man didnt say anything but his old watery eyes were full of gratitude and love for mom. She patted his back trying to console him.

I examined mom again. She had become thinner. New crease of wrinkles had occupied the corner of her eyes and her eyes had become hollow with huge dark circles around them. I even noticed a few new strands of grey hairs on her head. I left for not more than a week and she had already converted herself into a living corpse.

Then Ravi came out of the building. He had a blank face, void of any expression or emotion. He didn't seem scared or nervous. Not even angry. He was just moving like a zombie. What did they do to my brother? He was never like this.

Then one of the aliens hit him hard with one of their weapons and Ravi fell on the floor. They all started roaring loudly, laughing at the misery of my poor brother. Ravi didn't react to it. He just stood up again and started walking.

It was all too painful for me to watch. I couldn't control my tears as they started flowing out from my eyes without my permission. My throat was aching and I wanted to scream. I felt a knot formed in my throat making it hard for me to breathe.

I had not yet , accepted the fact that mom and Ravi have been imprisoned before I could meet them and tell them about dad, when I saw something which shocked my soul out of my body. I saw Stacy come out of the church with her fingers of left hand interwined between the fingers of the braided alien. She was not handcuffed. Infact she was smiling. There was no sign of tension or struggle on her face or body. As they came out the braided aloen lifted Stacy up in his arms as she climbed and twisted her legs around the alien's waist and planted a kiss on his disgusting slimy lips. She kept kissing him passionately while he cupped her breasts in his big arms squeezing them like lemons. Yikes! Disgusting! Sick! I could puke any second.

I looked at mom and Ravi, they were watching all of this with similar disgust.

Then next second Sara came out of the churh and hugged mom tightly not willing to let her go. Mom picked her up and kissed her cheeks.

"Don't worry Angel, I'll be back very soon. You be a good girl and take care of yourself. Ok?", Mom said wiping the tears off Sara's cheeks.

"No, you wont come back. No one does when they leave from here except bad Aunt". Dissappointment and fear of her bad aunt was clear in his voice.

Before she could have anymore communication, Stacy came forward and snatched Sara out from my mom's arm.

She kept screaming, throwing her arms towards mom but Stacy ignored her screams and cries and went back inside the church. The aliens, left after around five minutes, leaving behind that small child in arms of a monster.

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