Chapter 12

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Warning:  All the virgin readers kindly avoid the second half of this chapter if you get offended very easily by adult content. Love you all.

We kept walking across the corridor until we reached a biometric door. Sam peaked inside from the glass view of the door.

“Its clear. Wait.”
He then put the alien's palm on the biometric scan and voila, it worked.

We moved inside. I had never been to this part of the residence. It was much cleaner and posh. It was very bright too. As we moved further it became wider. We came across a central area which had a huge pillar with mirror covering it all over. At the ceiling there were millions of LEDs. There were four glass doors at the four sides of the floor. It looked beautiful. Sam tried to peek inside the doors but it was too dark, nothing was visible.

“Sam, what should we do now?”

“Shhh… hush Sonia. Come”, he said holding my right hand and we entered a door on our right side.

As soon as we moved inside, I shivered because of the sudden drop in the temperature. It was freezing in that room. I moved closer to Sam and he wrapped his arms around me. It was comparatively darker in there but had enough light for us to see around. There were strange machineries and equipments all around. It seemed like some laboratory. Luckily no one was there inside. As I was looking around I saw another door. I tried to open it but it was locked.

“Sam, I need the key”, I said pointing towards the alien's palm which was still in Sam's arm.

He put it on the door and it opened. Sam entered the room first to check if it was safe. I followed him but he stopped me at the entrance and turned his face towards me.
“Sonia, I don't think you should see this. Move back.”

“What? But why? I want to see what is there inside”, I said pushing him further inside. He resisted but by then I had already moved inside the room. What I saw next almost made me scream. Sam covered my mouth with his hand before I could make a sound.

The room was filled with huge cylindrical glass jars. Each jar had a body suspended in some transparent liquid with a cord resembling an umbilical cord attached to the navel from one end and to a small muscular structure at another end. But that was not all. The bodies which were there were exactly a replica of me with no hair on head. Same face, features and complexion. The aliens had cloned me. Hundreds of them.

What is all this? What could this mean? I have clones! Will these all have same feelings as mine? Should I destroy them? I had so many questions in my mind. I couldn't take it anymore and lost consciousness.


“Sonia, Sonia wake up!”, I woke up as I heard Sam's faint voice.

“Are you ok? Have some water”, he helped me get up handing me a bottle.

“Where did you get water from?”

“There is a refrigerator. Luckily there was some water in it. ”

“Sam, did you see that? They have cloned me. Why me?”

“Don't worry Sonia we'll figure it out. First we need to find some food.”

“Yeah true. I am so hungry that I have started missing their tasteless sandwich.”

“Sonia, you are mad”, he said smiling at me. And I melted watching his intoxicating smile. We stood up to move out when we heard someone entering the lab next to the cloning room, the one through which we came into the cloning room. Sam and I hid ourselves behind one of the specimen jar. We couldn't see but we heard two Aliens talking as they entered the lab. They pressed all the buttons in the laboratory and it was all bright everywhere the next minute. I saw Sam with desperation but he signalled me to keep calm. He then pulled me towards a corner which had a huge wooden chest. Luckily it was empty, we hid inside it and Sam carefully closed the lid. There was enough room inside for both of us. It was all dark inside. I could only touch Sam but couldn't see him. The Aliens were talking among themselves and probably doing some lab work. There was no urgency or worry in their voice. They probably didn't have any idea of what happened in the torture chamber.

I was shaking badly as it was too cold for me, especially with me wearing nothing but only wrapped up in a thin bedsheet. Sam held me as close to him as possible. But it was not enough. I was freezing. He started rubbing my palms but nothing seemed to work. The Aliens were still in the lab.

“Sonia, do you trust me?”, he hissed holding my hands.

“More than anything”, I replied.

Then he did something which I had not expected and couldn't believe. He hugged me as close to him as he could and kissed me passionately for what appeared like eternity to me. I was on cloud nine. I closed my eyes and started responding to his lips and hand movements. He then slipped his fingers through the sheet and started touching me. He started caressing my back with his fingers gently still holding me close to him. He slowly removed his gown and put it behind my head wrapping it up like a pillow. Then he laid me down and climbed over me. He started kissing me everywhere gently rubbing his body against me. I was breathing heavily. I had forgotten everything that happened in last few minutes before and surrendered myself completely to him. I started kissing him too running my fingers on his back. It was getting warmer inside the box. We kept kissing, rubbing and making love for a long time until we both got exhausted. It was the best feeling in the world. We both were sweating and breathing heavily afterwards.
He then wrapped us together in the bedsheet holding me closer to him and we laid there until I fell asleep.

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