Chapter 13

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"Sam....,Sam, wake up. I think they have left", I hushed in Sam's ears.

"Hmmm.. lets stay here a little longer", he said hugging me in his strong arms and kissed on my forehead.



"I love you. I am sorry I took so long to admit."

"I am glad you realised it. I love you too Sam", I said giving him a light kiss on his lips.

"I think we should move out. They might come back."

"Yeah you are right Sonia. Let me first check if it's safe to come out", he said and opened the chests' lid slightly to peek out of it.

"Its clear", he said and opened the lid. He jumped out of the chest and I realised he was standing naked in front of me as his robe was still under my head. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

"Come on Sonia, stop staring and come out quickly. You wear my robe and hand me the bedsheet".

"Ok but first you turn around."

"No I won't, now come on be quick", he said teasingly.

God why am I feeling so shy. I mean he has already seen me naked twice, first at the torture chamber and secondly practically not me but hundreds of my clones suspending nude in the glass jars like lab specimens.

"Sonia, I am freezing."

"Hold on, let me wear your robe first", I said sliding his robe inside the bedsheet trying hard to wear it without showing much skin out of the sheet.

But as I was trying to put my head in the robe Sam snatched the bedsheet baring me.

"Sam", I said quickly sliding down the robe over my body as I stood up to come out.

Sam wrapped the bedsheet to his waist and carried me in his arms and took me out of the chest.

"You look prettier without clothes", he said smiling at me.

I blushed and I am sure that my cheeks would have become red like fresh tomatoes.

"We have to be extra cautious as they might be still looking for us", he said holding my hands.
We silently moved out of the lab and crossed the next corridor until we reached to another unfamiliar area. It seemed like a garage. There were old worn-out vehicles kept there. Floor was greasy and there were few alien vehicles too. It was a little dark there.

"I think we might be near the exit. What do you reckon?", I asked Sam.

"Not sure. Maybe. But it's definitely not the posh high security alien's area."

I saw a jeep at one of the corners and approached it. I peeked inside to see if it had anything useful there. But it was all empty. As I was about to move around a huge hand groped me from behind and covered my mouth so that I couldn't make any sound. He pulled me behind the Jeep holding me from behind restricting my movement. I panicked. I tried to free myself but the person was too strong. I tried to look for Sam but was not able to move an inch. In the next second I heard few Aliens approaching towards the Jeep. They climbed the Jeep and left immediately. As they left the person holding me set me free. I turned around and was horrified to see that the person holding me was an Alien. I was about to scream when Sam covered my mouth hushing me. "Hush Sonia, relax I think he is friendly."

"Sam!", I immediately turned around and hugged Sam tightly.

Both of us stared back at the Alien. He seemed calm. He was slightly different from the other aliens. He was a little paler and shorter in height. Suddenly I remembered that I had already seen him when I was in the prison. This alien was their prisoner.

"You are their prisoner. Sam I have seen him. He is mad or something. I saw him when I was in the prison. He was shaking the prison bars violently."

"No Sonia, I don't think he is mad. He saved you. Maybe he doesn't want to harm humans or probably tried to help humans that is why they made him their prisoner."

I saw him again with a closer look. The alien approached me and moved his hands towards my face. I moved back and tried to hide myself behind Sam. He folded his hands back and dropped his face. He seemed sad. He then took Sam's hand and put it in my hand as if trying to tell Sam to take care of me. Then he turned back and was about to leave.

"Wait", I yelled from behind.

He turned back and saw me. I moved closer to him and looked into his eyes trying to guess what he wanted to say.

"Why did you save me? Why are you their prisoner?", I asked still looking into his eyes.

But instead of saying anything or trying to communicate he just put his hand on my head and then waved his fingers signalling us to leave before the Aliens come back.

I was still puzzled. But then Sam insisted that we should leave. We left from there towards an exit door. But we were wrong. The main exit was still very far away from where we were standing. We hid behind a huge tank which was parked at the exit gate. There were around fifty aliens guarding the main exit. All of them heavily armed.

"Sonia, trying to escape from this gate will be a suicide mission. It's better we move back inside and try some different plan."

I nodded my head in affirmation.

We carefully slipped back again inside but as we were about to move further we saw that two huge ten feet tall aliens had held up the friendly alien and they were beating him badly and roaring loudly. The friendly alien was screaming in pain. We hid ourselves behind a jeep. His screams were making me restless. I covered my ears with my palms as tightly as I could do as to not hear him but his screams were so loud that I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up to come forward but Sam pulled me restricting my movement. I sat back. I looked towards the friendly alien. They had hit him so badly that he had started bleeding from his nose. They hit him some more before leaving him to fall on the ground and then they left. As soon as they left I ran towards the alien to hold him up.

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