I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.27

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Jennifer turns to her left and gently placed the tray of two cups of hot coco on Sophia's dresser as Jacob gives Sophia a worried look.

Jennifer:The hot coco that I made for me and Sophia *cross her arms*

Sophia:I didn't know that you was going to barge into my bedroom like that.

Jennifer:I do all the time.

Sophia:Not when I have company.

Jennifer:I didn't know that you had company until now.

Sophia:Oh,well now you know *smiles*

Jennifer:*chuckles* You better be happy that I love you like a sister.

Sophia:Yes,I am very happy.

Jennifer:You better be since you're about to get a sausage in your oven.


Jacob:Wow,I never heard that one before.

Jennifer:Really? My mom always said that to me after her one nightstands.Don't know why she'll tell me about it when I was eleven.

Jacob:*shocked* Eleven?!

Sophia:Jennifer had a crazy mother.

Jennifer:You say crazy, I say a psychopath.

Sophia:She wasn't that bad,Jennifer.

Jennifer:Okay,then you tell your mother to get drunk and butt naked,and scream "I'm in love with a dope man!"

Jacob:Your mother did that?


Sophia:Running in the neighborhood and she was on her cycle,too.


Jennifer:With no pad or tampon on.

Sophia:Blood just dripping freely down her legs.

Jacob:*grossed out* Okay,I don't wanna hear any of that anymore.

Sophia:*giggles* Well,no matter what Jennifer's mom have done.She'll always been the second best person I've ever met.

Jennifer:Who's the first?

Sophia:Who else would be the first,Jennifer?

Jennifer:Your mom?

Sophia:That's my Queen, next answer.


Sophia looks at Jacob and gives him a heart warming smile as Jacob gives one back,and gives her a kiss.

Sophia:I truly do love him but he's my prince charming.But you're my first favorite person I've ever met.

Jennifer:*blushes*Awe,thank you,girl And omg that's how I feel about Malik.

Sophia:I can't wait til Malik have a day off again.

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