It took everything I had not to breakdown.

"I do suggest that you get him to a doctor as soon as you can" The nurse spoke, looking at me as if I was a ghost.

My sister nodded "We're going right now" she said as she stepped closer to me, as if she wanted to hug me. She didn't. Is she afraid that i'll break?

How are we supposed to go to the doctor? appointments have to be made, and I don't have the time for that. I'm fine on my own, and the last thing I need is a doctor to tell me things that I already know.

My sister signed me out of school, and took me to her car. She had tears trickling down her face as she started the car. She won't even look at me.

I bit my lip, feeling so guilty, feeling so bad that I'm hurting her.

I never wanted to hurt anyone.

"I can't get you into our doctor without an appointment, so we'll go to the walk in clinic" she said.

I went to the walk in clinic when I was seven. I broke my finger and my parents didn't think it was important enough for the hospital or the doctors office, so the walk in clinic is basically a doctors office that accepts patients without having an appointment in advance.

"May, its fine, we can just-"

"Jack" she said sternly. "This is not fine. You are not fine, you look like half of the person you were when I last saw you" she cried, I could see her hands shaking even as they gripped the steering wheel. "How did Mom and Dad let this happen?"

I'm a burden. A burden to her and to my parents, I was a burden to Danny and i'm one to myself as well.

"You don't eat? Is that it?" she asked, making me nearly flinch. I shrugged, the same way I did with Mr.Way. She already knows it, just like he did.

We didn't talk again until I was in the Walk in Clinic with her as she filled out my form. She asked me the things she didn't know, and I answered. That was it.

"Alright, May and Jack you can come back to the examination room" I heard the deep voice of a doctor who had a nice smile and kind eyes. I followed her lead as she followed him to the room.

"I'm Dr.Jones" he said, taking a seat on a stool in the middle of the room as we sat down in the chairs. "Why did you come here today?" he asked, looking between May and I.

"I haven't seen my brother in months, but I was called to his school today because he passed out" May started, taking a deep breath. "Just a few months ago he was much bigger, he was a normal and healthy weight. Looking at him now, I just can't believe that he's healthy"

I bit down on my tongue as she mentioned how much bigger I was.

"I don't believe he's eating at all" she added. I watched the doctor as he scanned me, looking me up and down as she spoke.

"Alright. Well i'll start with taking your height and weight, then I'll calculate your BMI and tell you what I think. Sound good?" he said, in a cheery tone.

May nodded, but I only stayed still.

Not good.

"Alright, can I have you take off your shoes?" he asked as he walked over to the thing he was about to take my height on. I nodded and silently took them off, walking to where he was standing "Put your feet to the back of this and stand up straight" he ordered. "Good" he said as he paid attention to the height rod.

I felt anxiety build up in me. I haven't weighed myself in a month.

It's been a month since I weighed, and decided to really try to get better.

They Told You To Stay Away (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now