After a while, Theon came back up to them. "There's been a deserter from the Nightswatch, your father wants you guys to come." he told them as they all turned to him.

        "Me as well?" Raya asked.

        "Yeah," he nodded.

        "Let's go grab our cloaks," Robb said swiping his arm over his twin as they walked away.

        Raya looked behind her at Theon who just looked down then he noticed her looking and she flashed him a smile and he just smiled lightly back. Raya knows of Theon's feelings for her, he had told Robb when the two got drunk once and of course, Robb told her. She can't say she likes him back that much, she means she guesses feel something back its just not as strong, that's what happens when you grow up with someone. But, they could never be together so she ignores them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

         Ned Stark had taken them on the borders near Winterfell, where a large block made from a tree limb was placed upon a hill. Green grass swept along their feet as he took the younger men and women through the open field. Stark Bannermen stood along the hill, holding their house's flags proudly and with ease. 

       Ned allowed his children and Theon to stand behind him, and Raya watched the scene unfold with her arm laced around her twin's arm. She held the fur of her cloak close to her chest while watching the Night's Watch deserter, Will, approach the block with two Stark knights at his side.

        "I know I broke my oath, and I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them. But I saw what I saw." Will looked down. "I saw the White Walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry."

        Raya's interest was peaked when he spoke of the White Walkers, being of the North and as she prayed to the Old Gods, she had heard of the legends of the White Walkers and the long night... Old Nan used to tell her stories of them, they were her favorites to hear. She actually believes in the creatures. She means anything could be behind that wall...

        Ned nodded his head. The two Stark Knights grab hold of Will roughly and placed his head on the block. Theon held out Ned's scabbard, and her father pulled out his sword, Ice, from it. A part of Raya wanted to look away but she knew she shouldn't. She would not look away.

        Ned held Ice close to his chest and closed his eyes tightly. He recited his words carefully: "In the name of Robert of House Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men ..."

        "Don't look away," Jon muttered to Bran. "Father will know if you do." Bran stared at the scene before him with dark eyes, and Raya felt for him. Bran is only 10 and he has to learn the harsh reality so young. But of course, they all have to. Winter Is Coming...

        "... Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm." Ned exhaled. "I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die."

        He swung Ice and without a second thought, Ned beheaded the former Night's Watch brother. Raya didn't look away and honestly, it was a bit gory but that was the life they lived. She looked over to Bran, who didn't look away. She wondered if what the boy said was true... The Whitewalkers... Do they live again?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        As we were riding home, the company stopped at the sight of a dead Stag in the middle of the road... Raya jumped off of her horse as she came towards it and so did the others...

        "Move aside," Ned ordered as he inspected the dead Stag.

        "What did it?" Jon asked.

        "Mountain Lion?" Theon suggested.

        "There are no Mountian Lions in these woods, do you see any mountains?" Raya asked him as she crossed her arms and Theon just rolled his eyes as she looked at her father.

        Ned looked around and spotted Stag guts leading off the bridge, he followed them as his children and Theon followed him down. As they came down, they found a dead wolf, but not any kind of wolf, a big one. What kind of wolf is that? Raya wondered as she noticed pups around the dead wolf's body...

        "It's a freak," Theon implied in clear disgust.

        But Ned shook his head, he knew what this animal was. "It's a Direwolf," they all looked at him in shock, "tough old beast..." He murmured as he pulled out the Stag antler that seemed to have killed the Direwolf.

        "There are no Direwolves south of the wall," Robb said unsure what to think.

        Raya looked at the pups and she counted six of them. "Well, now there's six," Rae said as she crossed her arms, this was either really bad or really good. Could this be a sign of something? Because it sure did seem like it.

        Jon nodded as he picked up one of the pups. He inspected it, it was a white and gray one. Small but obviously they won't stay that way. They are direwolves after all. "Want to hold it?" Jon asked Bran when he noticed Bran staring at the Pup in his hand and Bran agreed eagerly and Jon placed the pup in his arms.

        "Where will they go? Their mother's dead." Raya asked her father and he gulped.

        "They don't belong down here." Sir Rodrick answered making them look at him.

        Ned nodded and stood. "Better a quick death; they won't last without their mother," he ordered as he nodded at Theon.

        "Right, give it here," Theon ordered as he took out a dagger and pulled the pup from Bran's arms! 

        "No!" Bran yelled.

        "Father, no!" Raya pleaded but Ned didn't do anything and she looked at Theon, "Theon, please, don't!" 

        "Put away your blade," Robb ordered agreeing with me.

        "I take orders from your father, not you two." Theon snapped at us and Raya noticed a bit of guilt on his face but he had to do what their father said since he was Ned's ward.

        "Please, Father!" Bran pleaded.

        "I'm sorry, Bran," Ned apologized as he turned to leave.

        "Lord Stark?" Jon spoke up, they all looked at him "there are six pups. One for each of the Stark children. The direwolf is the sigil of your house. They were meant to have them." 

        Bran, Robb, and Raya all looked at their father with pleading eyes. They all disagreed with killing the pups. It was like they had a connection with the pups and they all felt it. Even Jon. That is why they are trying to save them.

        "You'll train them yourselves, you'll feed them yourselves. And if they die, you'll bury them yourselves." Ned gave in as he turned around and walking back up the trail. Theon put his blade away and handed the pup back to Bran. Robb and Theon picked up the other four pups.

        Raya picked up the last one which had dark fur, which looked like black but she wasn't entirely sure but the eyes of the pup were pure white and as she looked at the pup. She felt this connection with it that she couldn't explain. She just smiled lightly as she pulled the pup close to her chest as she began to go up the trail.

        Before they went up the trail, Robb, Theon, and Raya noticed Jon bend down and pick up something.

        "What is it?" Robb asked and Jon held up a white pup. The smallest out of the litter must be the runt.

        "The runt of the litter, that one's yours, Snow." Theon said coldly as he went up the trail.

        Robb gave Jon a comforting look as Raya put her hand on Jon's shoulder and sent him a sympathetic look and Jon sent them both a smile and they all went up the trail to join up with the others with their new Direwolf pups...

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