Dieing Smile

165 10 0

Monday- April 22

Third Person POV

Jimin is scrolling through his phone, he saved so many articles as to how or what happened in France. Headlines filled his search history.

Another Attack on France

What Happened The Night of April 19

The culprits of April 19: Villans or Vigilante's?

He also looks for news regarding what happened to their bodyguard, hoping that maybe ARMY would make him feel better. He barely sleeps and eats (less than usual), but he tries to smile, aware that the members are probably sad too.

He pushes his feelings aside and never truly heals because he's focusing so much energy on helping everyone else.

Last nights events were pretty heartbreaking, but at least he knows Revy made it back to the hospital alive. He wasn't allowed to visit, no matter how much he calls their front office.

Na-yeong isn't there because she is talking with the boss. So he is left alone with the rest of the members as they prepare for a wardrobe rehearsal. It was going to get hectic now that they are finally getting used to the schedule. They couldn't have any more breaks, especially after the two weeks in France. It wasn't surprising that all of them weren't up to anything.

Jimins eating habits dropped at a hazardous rate, at this point, everything seemed to revolve around the absence of Revy. J-hope, the life of the party, seemed to be hit pretty badly. J-hope usually acted this way when he was home-sick, or he missed his family, but not for other reasons. Was Revy considered family?

He thought so.

It wasn't too long ago that Revy was heartbroken over a boy, and now, she could be lying in her death bed. J-hope himself tried to shake that thought away, hoping that no one in the room noticed. Their wardrobe people ushered them to their spots in the rehearsal, checking if they all went with the others outfits like they planned. The Noonas smiled, nodding to each other and running towards the rest of the employees.

Suddenly, the music started playing, and the members started performing like they were in a real life concert. It was mesmerizing for the employees to see them perform like that, but at the same time, it was discomforting. J-hope's thoughts had seemed to reach the rest of the members, which affected their dance skills.

Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jimin were dancing quite harshly. They looked angry rather than anything. Their expressions and movements were sharp, steps were hard and quick. If it were up to their dance coaches, they would have stopped the music as soon as they saw how roughly they handled their moves, but it wasn't: it wasn't up to their coaches because their minds were so awestruck over the passion.

Jungkook, J-hope, and Jin, on the other hand, danced with pain. It was pain that could not be reached through physical bounds. They danced like a broken heart would imagine. Their moves were swift, smooth, and gentle. Like silk was running through every part of their body. All three of them failed to show any emotion, apart from the occasional wince.

All seven members dance to the same music, but they all seemed to move to a different genre: from a heated Salsa to a soft lullaby.

The song finally ended, and everything seemed to be put to rest. The employees took notes, some brought them the small bottles of water. Jimin rejected his from a nice Noona, who looked utterly confused. He was dripping sweat and out of breath, he knew he needed to stay hydrated, yet he seemed so unwilling to take the water from her. Jimin walked out of the studio, closing the door lightly and running to the bathroom. Sliding to the shower he turned it on to the lowest point. He only stripped his shirt off, stumbling into the cold water and gasping.

The cold drops were merciless, his skin immediately rejected the cold. He opened his mouth, letting water in before spitting it out. His throat was too irritated to let anything down, especially food.

How could a girl make his health stoop? This was not normal human behavior, not in the slightest. He was fully aware of that, but he loved her so much. He doesn't recall ever telling her that, not when she could definitely remember.

He was going to regret that.

He felt his body give in, no longer being able to hold on to the curtain or wall. He felt two arms hold him up, and as he looked at the owner, he didn't expect his leader to look so worried.

"You look like shit!"

"I feel great!" Jimin lied.

"Jimin, go get some sleep. You're freezing."

"I'm fine."

Namjoon did not believe any of it. He looked over at the running shower, seeing the dial turned all the way to cold. He knew for fact the showers coldest settings were at at least 16 Celsius and Jimin stepping in so quickly while he was burning up after the rehearsal could not have been any good. "That's an order."

Both of them have been friends for at least four years, but it has been a while since Namjoon gave him a strict order like this, maybe never. Namjoon has always been one to ask, or lead, never boss around.

"I can't sleep, I know I can't. You guys need me for the rehearsal anyway."

"Not for independent sections, they can always check up on you tomorrow. Now go upstairs."

"... I can't move."


"I'm... I'm too exhausted to even breathe, I can't move my legs no matter how much I try."

"That's what happens when you-... I'll carry you, I'll even give you a massage if you promise to try to sleep, even if you know you can't..."

Jimin debated if it was worth it, but he knew that this pain could only last a certain time. People get over their significant other... right? It's not like this pain would last years...

"Please don't tell the members, Namjoon... I don't-" he sobbed, "I don't want them to see me like this."

"Of course not, Jimin." Namjoon, started holding Jimin in his arms, muttering, "I got you," and kicking the bathroom door. Finally to Jimin's room, Namjoon laid him down, lifting his legs onto his lap and massaging them "Now tell me... what the Hell was that?"

"... I... I can't explain it, everything I think of sounds stupid, and my feelings seem obscure. Everything that comes to mind will only sound ridiculous, or exaggerated. It's my chest that doesn't agree... Namjoon."


"The brain is supposed to control the whole body... so..."

"Your heart pumps all of the blood to every part. Your brain can send as many signals as it wants, but if the heart isn't providing blood, the body might as well be dead. It is what the blood feels that runs through your veins... We never saw it coming."


"You falling in love with her." Jimins cheeks became rosy, his hair puffed and his eyes hid behind his bangs. "You two dorks touched each other without using your hands. I fell for her in a much different way you did. I fell for her as one of my family, as one of you guys, because she became the reason you looked forward to the next day. You know how self-deprecating you were? Your hands, height, stomach, muscles, cheeks, everything was wrong with you!... until she gave you that bottled water." Namjoon chuckled, "then it was your stupid soft squishy hands that kept hers warm. Your short stature that hovered over hers perfectly. Your ever changing stomach that made her laugh or blush. Your muscles that... well, you know." Jimin smiled, "and your cheeks at service to her pinching fingers."

"...Am I that cheesy?"


Jimin and Namjoon laughed. When did they become the stereotypical teenage girls, laughing about a boy one is in love with. Never, because this was more than a moment, it's a change. Jimin and Namjoon hit it off better than before, Revy was nothing and everything in their conversation. How can someone make you so happy and depressed? Well, her memory had brought so much joy that they forgot they were hurting. 

Forces Working //BTS/Jimin Fanfic//Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant