Family Issues

182 11 2

Wednesday- April 17

Enough said: Na-yeong told me everything that happened that night. We had barely arrived in France and she already visited my mother; my biological mother; the same woman whom I haven't talked to since I was four years old.

Alaric and I stood on the doorstep, contemplating whether or not to knock. Alaric also wanted answers, but he resented her more than anything. He was naturally curious like me, he wasn't looking for closure like I was. He had his closure seventeen years ago when she abandoned us.

We eventually did knock, but not to be well received. The news Bell, my birth mom gave to us were new, yet expected.

Turns out Dad fought for custody and got it, but with consequences: our mother could never visit, talk, or in any form contact us. Apparently, when you basically divorce the head of the NCIS, they have more power over anything. She apparently had also gotten into a lot of trouble when she was younger, so getting custody was going to be even harder. Whether I should believe her is debatable, I know this is my real mother though. I just know.

"Did you ever tried to contact us?" Alaric asked, his foot was crossed over to the top of his knee, leaning back and outstretching his arms on the back of the couch. I couldn't sit down: my nerves were racked and this whole situation was difficult to deal with as it was. How Alaric managed to not break under pressure was beyond me, but I know that I wasn't the only one Dad taught to be strong. I know Alaric has learned from our father a few tricks that Father believed me too young and pure to have to learn.

I eventually learned most of them on my own, or at least I hope.

"Yes, even if it was illegal." She spoke to us in English, even if she is the woman who taught me French."I sent that Giovanni boy to take you out of the states. Where I could talk to you."

"Wait... Giovanni Russo?" I asked.

"Yes, his sister used to help-"

"So Giovanni was just a mission?"

"He was on a mission to contact my daugh-"

"I was simply a quest for him...
Makes so much sense."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it." A year of a relationship was worth nothing, was it? It was all-... I'm going to kill him next time I see his stupid face.

"I'm your mother, you should tell me things like this. Now before its too late."

I licked my lips, wiping my face with my hand and covering my mouth. She already was too late. She won't be there to see me go to my first day of school, final year, first boyfriend. Nothing. "Why did you send a man to flirt with me and say we are going to get married once I arrived in Italy!? What kind of mother are you!?"

"I never told him to do that! I told him to bring you here, to me! Those were his only orders! Don't blame him, it is not his fault that he fell in love with you-"

"Don't. Don't say that, it was never love to begin with. He got deported and left me behind with my broken dreams." I scoffed, shaking my head. "I should be telling him this."

"Giovanni was sent to kill you, but I ordered him to be my double agent, he was actually going to save you."

"How do you know he wasn't going to double cross you!? You were willing to risk that possibility of my sister getting hurt!? You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!" Alaric yelled, the vein in his neck looked like it was about to explode from anger.

"I knew his family beforehand, I told him to join the Allegiance." The what??? "He was under my wing since the beginning! There was also no way I could come back into the States, I would be thrown in prison for life if I did! I am not an idiot, son."

"Don't call me son."

"You have to believe that I loved you two, all I focused my life to this point is to protect you from the Allegiance. Son-"

"Don't call me son." His fist were balled until the knuckles on his hands turned white. How come he isn't bothered by the organization she'd mentioned twice now!?

"Why do you think the both of you were never attacked after Leonard went into a Coma? I had to work behind the scenes to protect the three of you, son-"

"Call me son one more time!!!" He yelled, standing up and glaring at her. Just as he stood up, a young boy stood in front of Bell with a knife and glare at Alaric.

"I suggest you point your knife somewhere you'll know you'll stab." He must have been around the same age as Kookie, maybe younger.

"Reculer, Conasse" He threatened in French. I stood up too, taking my own knife out at the same time as Alaric. Both of ours were M48 cyclones, by the look in his eyes, he knew that once yet get stabbed by this knife nothing can save you. Not even a set of surgeons. "Qui sont ces gens, maman?"

Wait. Did he just call Bell, mom?

"Elroy, they are my oldest children. Alaric and Kingston," She replied in French.

"Revy," I corrected, "my name is Revy." Is he our brother!?

"Did I ask you!?" Elroy sassed. This little asshole is going to get stabbed in the neck if he speaks to me like that again.

"Speak to my sister in that way again and you'll get stabbed in the neck, you little shit." Alaric's knife inched closer to Elroy, but Elroy did not lose his grip.

"All of you, stop! You are family here! Alaric, Revy, he's your full blood brother, you two have to stop acting like this!" Bell begged. What the Hell is going on!?

"Last time I don't remember you being pregnant when you left, Bell," Alaric growled.

Bell didn't move, the blood in her face drained and she was acting like a deer in headlights. She looked down, holding onto Elroy's arm. "Put it down, honey, they are not our enemies." Elroy complied, still keeping his eyes on us like a hawk. "I wasn't pregnant when I left..."

"You got pregnant with our real father... Didn't you." Alaric did not ask. He stated. Like he knew.

"Alaric... what are you talking about?" I lowered my knife slightly, staring at him. Eyes wavering to him from the side, watching him glance over his shoulder, shaking his head. I still had to keep my guard up, this kid... our brother has some nerve, he stood two against one, we had superior weapons yet he still stood up for his mother. Anyhow, I can't deny that my guard lowered a bit, how did Alaric manage to keep this pretty big secret- No. The biggest secret of our lives a secret, slowly ate me from the inside.

"You have to grow up someday, Revy," he muttered. The sound of metal hit the ground as I dropped my knife. So much for keeping my guard up. "Leonard isn't our real father. He has never been and never will. That's sorta how genetics works."

"How-... How do you... know?" Bell asked, at this point, all of our knives were down.

Alaric sighed, putting his knife back where he hid it. His face softened, looking away with newley set scowl. "Tsk. That is none of your business, Revy, let's go-" I snatched my wrist out of his grip.

Every little bit of happiness is only drained a way in the holes of my past. I am the only thing in life I can control, yet so many people manage to hurt me.

I walked towards the door, opening it with the intent of storming out. I was met by a hard chest, knocking me onto the floor. I looked up, seeing a hand offering help. When my eyes finally met with him, he smiled, a warm smile. It felt safe.

Before I could accept it, Alaric's fist met with the man's face.

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