Complications (Ch.1)

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Again; sounds of gunfire muffle through my earmufflers, my arms extended upwards, letting my gun ricochet. We were separated by stalls and a counter with my ammunition and guns on top. A target stood not too far from it. My .45 ran out of amo, quickly grabbing the next magazine, I clocked it in.

It wasn't bothered by the stares I received at the shooting range, but these pair of eyes were right behind me. I could feel the goose bumps on the back of my exposed neck rise when the hairs of my ponytail didn't cover it.

I was once again out of amo, and decided it was about time I confronted the person behind me.

"May I help you?" I yelled over the gunfire, taking my mufflers and ear buds out and putting them around my neck.

I opened the door and let the man follow closely behind. I managed to quickly pack up all of my things from the shooting range, with the intention to put it all away.

"Do you know Kingston R. Jean."

I took my gloves off with my teeth, mentally sighing. "It's not Jean as in the pants, it's pronounced John, like the name."

"I'll take that as a yes."
I made my way to my locker, putting my duffle bag in and taking my backpack out. "The front desk directed me to you, so here," he suddenly shoved a few stapled pieces of paper to my chest, "give this to that lucky bastard, because I quit."

"What?" I grabbed the papers. Of course he thought Kingston was a boy, who wouldn't: with the name my father bestowed upon me.

"They gave him the job the moment I quit."

I was even more confused. He worked for Genesis Corp, but he also works for an entertainment department, so our company gave me the job he quit over there!?


"He's now transferred as a personal bodyguard owned by BigHit. He can keep the high raise, it's nothing compared to how horrible the manager is." The man, obviously agitated, stomped away, leaving me with a few more questions.

I slowly removed the papers from my chest, seeing that on top of the application, I was officially named leader of BigHits personal bodyguards.

Putting my backpack on, I stared at the paper with awe. My first job working for the bodyguard corporation was going to be high paid, and I'll be working with celebrities. The stamp on the bottom made it official; I was going to be someones bodyguard as soon as I turned these in.

I ran towards my 2015 Nissan Altima, putting the keys in and closing the door. The car was silent, and I sat in the passengers seat, mindblown. With a huge smile on my face I turned the radio on, only to be greeted by the one and only boy band I'd be protecting.

The engine of my car roared, and I drove through to streets until reaching my apartment. Quickly, I took a pen out from my desk and signed the contract.

With a need to kiss it, I settled with hugging it, contempt with the opportunity.

How could I not be happy, it almost made me want to call my brother, even if we were not exactly in the best of terms. Last time we talked, I yelled, he denied, and we split. Alaric had no intention of talking to me anytime soon, so neither did I.

My phone buzzed, and I swiftly picked it up, knowing that the only person who could call me is him. Not my sibling, but him.

"Hey babe!"

"Oh, hi," he stated blandly. It has been a little calm, and not exciting for both him and I. Our relationship has slowly gone down hill since I would train so much, and he rarely got to see me.

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