Chapter 20: Tears to Shed

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Tonight was leftovers, so I decided to eat leftover fried rice that I made and pizza. 🤣 they so clash.

SF/C: Second favorite color



I woke up in my old room, in one of my old dresses, one of the ones I wore before Frisk went down Mt. Ebbot and freed the love of my life.

I tried walking to the door. I walked around 3 steps, then got pulled back. When I looked down, I saw metal plates covering my arms, and a chain connected to my ankle, all connected to the wall next to the window.

Suddenly, the door opened and the king walked through. When he saw me awake he smirked. "How do you like it?"

"Horrible." I spat.


I then remembered my magic. I tried to use it, but failed. The kings shook his finger back and forth. "Ah. Ah. Ah. While you've been gone I've been working on my own project, finally completed. You see those things on your hands? They're made of pure silver and a hint of magic, making it so anyone with magic will have their magic blocked off until their off."

I sore curses under my breath. "Geez. When did you get such language?"

I just gave more curses, then I remembered Sans. "Where's Sans?"

He looked surprised that I actually asked. "That monster scum? He's in the dungeon with the rest of his friends and that human, getting ready for execution the day after you're married to Ebenezer in a week."

I gasped. Tears streaking my eyes. "How could you?"

"Because I'm the King."

With that he walked out of the room, slamming the door closed. I screamed and tried to kick the nearest thing to me, which was the wall. I'm pretty sure my foot is broken now.

I sat down on the window seal balling my eyes out. I was losing determination and hope fast.

Sans' POV

I was in the dungeon with everyone else. Even Frisk. We all had these metal plates over our hands, making our magic not being able to work.

I heard stomping of footsteps going down the stairs. We all looked at the stairway and saw the king stomping down the stairs with a smile.

"Hello monsters." He spat. oh do I hate him. I hate him for several reasons, one of them what he did to my darling Y/n.

"Where's Y/n?" I asked, venom lacing my words.

He ignored me and turned to Frisk. She was visibly shaking. "Child, why do you want to stay with these...Monstrosities?!"

Frisk doesn't reply and holds onto Tori's dress. She's probably horrified at what her father's become.

The king's getting angry and grabs her by the hand, making her squeak. "What are you deaf child?! ANSWER YOUR KING WHEN HE SPEAKS TO YOU!"

He was shaking Frisk hard now, making her cry and shriek saying please stop. He slapped her.

Papyrus decided to step in and made it worse. "DON'T HURT FRISK!"

The king froze, making it have enough time for Frisk to run into my arms and hug me tightly.

"F-Frisk? Is that really you?" There were tears in his eyes. Heh. probably fake.

Frisk slowly nods her head, but held onto me tighter, nuzzling into my leather jacket, taking in the smell of me and faintly of her sister.

"My Child-"

Frisk turned around abruptly, having the anger and sassiness of Y/n. Heh. The same sassiness I love...

"You are not my father. You lost that title when you started hurting Y/n and using money for selfishness."

This got him mad. He grabbed the sword on his belt and charged at Frisk. All of us stood in front of her, not letting him through. He was about to stab Asgore when a knife stabbed through him.

He gasped, looked down at the crimson spot growing in his heart. His eyes go back and he faints from the blood loss. Behind him was a guard. When Frisk saw the guard, she ran up and hugged him.

He smiled faintly, then turned to the rest of us. "My name's Tavish, but my friends call me Tav. Follow me if you want to live."

Tavish sounds familiar... wait... the guy that helped Y/n leave!


A maid came around a half hour ago telling me dinner with Prince Ebenezer was ready. I refused to go, and so now I'm a little hungry. But I've dealt with worse so it's fine.

Ebenezer's POV

I'm starting to believe that the princess was a hoax. Yeah I saw photos of her, but I've never seen her in person. When I looked into her chambers that night, I couldn't find anyone. The bed looked like no one has slept in it for years. There were colorless dresses that have never been touched, then as it got farther back the dress colors changed to bright f/c and sf/c. Today at dinner I ate alone where the princess was supposed to sit across from me, but while in the middle of my meal the maids, servers, and chefs grabbed the other stuff and put them away without a word.

Once I finished, I decided to show the king what it's like to make a fool of me. So I snuck into the kitchen, and spilled some oil on the floor and lit a match. Let the kitchen burn.

I then walked up to my room to get some sleep.

??? POV

I've been following the smiley trash bag and Y/n since I stole that boy's soul. What was his name again? Zack? Zephlir? Zepik? Doesn't matter. What matters now is that I have to help Y/n. Tavish is helping the monsters, and they'll get out of the fire easy. I need to run to Y/n. That idiot prince shouldn't have taken matters into his own hands. UGH!

I shook my head, getting back on track of what I was supposed to do, walking through the quiet hallway, oblivious at what just happened.


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