“I had to if I ever wanted to see my best friend happy again.  I’ve never seen her as happy as she is with you,” she said, glancing at me with a wide grin.  My feet carried me forward to hug her, my emotional mood making me feel even more appreciative of her.  I’d neglected to tell her anything about the entire dramatic saga I’d been through, which had pissed her off and caused her to give up trying to speak to me in my desolate state, yet she’d forgiven me and come through when we had needed her the most. 

“Thank you,” I said, unable to really articulate how much it meant to me.  She could see how much I felt it in my watery eyes, however, because she simply shook her head with an understanding grin. 

“Glad you two are clearly back together,” she said, pointing between us.  “I didn’t think you’d ever make it out of whatever was going on before.”

“It’s a long story,” I said sheepishly.  “I swear, I’ll tell you everything next time I’m home.”

“So about a week then?” Maggie teased, winking at me.  I nudged her shoulder playfully. 

“We’ll just see,” I laughed. 

“Right, well. I’m gonna go and let you two get home.”

“Alright, thanks again Maggie,” Harry said.  He threw his arm around my shoulder, hauling me into his side while my arm snaked automatically around his waist.  He turned his head to the side to press his lips against my temple, causing my grin to widen even more.

“God,” Maggie said, shaking her head once more.  “Just go get married already.”

My stomach fluttered at the thought.  My other arm rose automatically to complete the circle around his waist so I could hug him. 

“Bye, Maggie,” I said, ignoring her statement with a good-natured smile.  She waved goodbye to each us as she turned with a bemused grin, making her way to her car.  I turned to Harry, tilting my head back to look up at him.  His all-too-familiar green eyes burned into mine, the intensity in them blazing stronger than it had in a long time. 

“Let’s go home, Hal.”

His lips landed on my forehead before I nodded.  We turned together and Harry steered us back to the car, both of us practically skipping with relief.  Harry seemed physically unable to detach himself from me when he reached the car but managed to after ducking his head down and tilting my chin toward him with his index finger to kiss my lips lightly.  I bit back my grin when he pulled away, the giddiness I was feeling spilling out of my every pore. 

We climbed into the car and Harry started the short drive back to his house, his hand automatically sliding across the console to land on my thigh.  His thumb moved slowly across my leg while he drove. 

“I can’t believe they let me go,” he said incredulously.  “Like I’m completely free.  Nothing is going to happen to me.”

He appeared to be thinking out loud, and I loved the slightly shocked, blissful tone he was using.  Surely he still felt the weight of what he’d done, but maybe the judge’s confirmation of self-defense would help ease some of the crushing guilt.  At this moment, he appeared lighter than I’d seen him in what seemed like forever. 

“I knew nothing would happen,” I said, gloating a bit.  It felt so incredibly amazing to have been right.  “Now we can get things back to normal.”

His face slowly broke into a grin as he thought about what I’d said.  “I didn’t dare think about it until now.”

“Think away, babe, because you’re free,” I said giddily.  He squeezed my thigh and shot me a grin as he turned onto his street. 

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