"I know! Good luck Ange-sama! I'll miss you!" she says before pulling away. 

"I'll miss you too, bye Yami, bye Eve!," I call waving to the fishing kitty. 

"Bye Ange-sama!," she calls back then turns to fish more, chuckling I go back to the valley.

I finally make it to the center of the valley, as I take off my cloak I have to grip it extremely tightly so that it doesn't fly away. My hair whips around my head and I grit my teeth willing myself to stay put, I sit down and will vines to come up from the earth and grab my cloak, and anchor my legs and torso to the ground.  I grow another small vine and rip it from the ground, using it to put my hair up to stop it from whipping around so harshly.  The wind screams in my ears as I shut my eyes slowly fading into meditation.


Air, air is life and movement.  Life because without the air we wouldn't be able to breathe and life here on Earthland wouldn't exist. Movement because with air comes, the wind, and with the wind comes movement. The wind moves the sails on ships and can help birds fly. It can also represent the everlasting change everyone goes through every day like the wind is changing every day, going strong or weak, changing directions.

Opening my eyes I'm surprised that I no longer feel the ground beneath me.  Looking down in shock I see that I'm FLOATING ON A SPIRAL OF WIND?! SINCE WHEN CAN I DO THIS?! The winds of the Valley are still howling against my ears and my hair, which is still up in a pony tail, is whipping around slapping my neck every so often. I look at the spiral and concentrate it lifts me higher, this, this is so cool! Very carefully I attempt to stand on my small tornado that is lifting me in the air, after almost falling, twice if I may add, I'm able to stand straight balancing on the wind. I beam holding back my laughter so not to lose concentration. Using more magic power I manage to get the tornado to fly higher so I can see the entire Valley. 

Looking around I recognize a lavander cloak I can only say is Yami. She's jumping around pointing at me at something in her cloak, which I can only guess is Eve.  Concentrating once again I move the small tornado towards the girls, this is so amazing! Tornado travel! Who would have thought of this?! When I reach the girls I shrink the tornado again until it completely disappears. My feet padding against the ground lightly as I stop in front of them.  Yami looks up at me from under her cloak hood, her big eyes sparkling in excitement. "That was amazing Ange-sama! I've never seen magic like that before!," squeals Yami as she hugs me tightly.  I chuckle patting her covered hair lightly. 

"And I've never attempted a spell like that before, I'm glad I know I can do that now though because it will make our travels to the last place easier, which means we'll be able to go home soon!," I beam, my heart racing at the thought of seeing Gray, Erza, Natsu, Elfy, Mira, Master, and all the others again, before they all expected no less. Maybe even Yami, Eve, and I, can make it home before the Harvest Festival and we can be apart of the Fantasia Parade, and I can participate in the Miss Fairy Tail Contest. 

"Yeah! That means when I fly, you guys can fly too!," Eve cheers peeking her little head from out of Yami's cloak. 

"Mm hm, hey, how long was I in meditation for?," I ask curiously on how long I left the girls alone.

"2 weeks and 4 days," answers Yami, Eve nods in agreement. 

"Oh! Wow, I'm so sorry guys, that's a lot longer than I thought that would take, are you guys alright? Did any bad guys attack or did you ever run out of food?," I question worriedly now scanning her face and neck for injuries. 

"Don't worry we're fine," assures Yami, "the worst thing that happened was a big bunny chased Eve around, but that was more entertainment than it was dangerous."

"Entertainment for YOU! That thing could have killed me if I didn't fly away!" whines Eve from inside her cloak.

I burst out laughing at the girl's silliness, of course, something like that would occur.  "Come on, let's go back to camp," I giggle gently placing my palm against Yami's back and we all walk back. 

"Okay! Where are we going next?," once we're out of the windy valley Eve climbs back out of Yami's cloak and flies over to my shoulder. 

"Raitoningu temple, the temple of lightning," I hum, lightning will probably be the most painful and hardest to connect with.  Because unlike with all the other elements while I'm in meditation my body is likely to be struck multiple times by the lightning, instead of the lightning just surrounding me. I'm honestly a little scared for my final destination. 



Hey, guys! Angel here! I just wanted to say thanks a bunch for all the votes on my story! I also really like reading your comments so please leave tons okay?! They really motivate me to work on my story which I tend to have trouble with sometimes... 

So just leave a ton of comments whether it be something you guys find funny or a little criticism idc! Thanks a bunch once again and I hope you're enjoying the story so far! 

~Angel :) 

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