Chapter 3 New Home

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"Alice draw on this paper of how you want your room to look, when your done go outside your door and slip the paper and come  back in also we have your clothe's prepacked by the way, and You can change your room how ever you want." masky told me so i took the paper and drew this awesome spooky yet nerdy room where it a posters saying "Keep calm and be Nerdy" and a gaming desk and flat screen T.V for video games and a little work out area for me to practice. Apparently i still had to go to school but not the one i was going originally i was going to the major "Home schooling one" but masky say's its cool and fun.

So i check out my room and its pretty cool and big like i like it, it can be as big as i want! but i don't care i have a cool bathroom and a kitchen sorta like a apartment of  my design. anyway i grab my stuff to be ready we still need backpacks for supplies and 2 pairs of clothes 1 for training the other is just in case of accidents (you never know).

So i walk out and follow the map masky made for me, right straight left down the stairs and on 3rd door on the right. Jesus can this place get any larger? Any way i make to the door and class was about to start. 

It was a Skeleton in a sweater and glasses (Why would he need them? he doesn't have eye's?) and Cream colored pants and sneakers. 

"Welcome miss...? the Skeleton said.

"VanaoloreSalla, but please call me Alice". i said to the Skeleton i was acting like i wasn't Scared what so ever.

"Well Hello Miss Alice i am Mr. Skeli ( like Shell with an i but pronounce Sh  with Ch). Please sit down i am your teacher for the 4 main subjects English, Science, History, and Math. I saw Masky sitting alone so i sat next to him because i was most familiar with him only.

"Hi Masky" i said to him.

"Hi Alice have a good morning?"

"Yeah, i did thanks for asking". I looked around and saw many CreepyPasta's such as BEN, Eyeless Jack, Hoody, Jane and Jeff the killer, Ticci Toby, Clockwork, Thorn (a character i made up soon a story about her!), Sally, and a few more i didn't know.

So after a while we got done with our last subject we headed for P.M.T.A.PE or Physical Mental Training and Physical Education, like a mega P.E class, when we got their i followed the other girls to the lockers and changed for P.E we got dressed for it and went to a door and picked a weapon. I chose a Hunting Knife and a Claw like thing i felt drawn to it. So i picked up and putt it on me.

"Hello I'm Clockwork! i heard your name was Alice am i right?" asked clockwork.

"Yeah i am nice to meet you Clockwork! i said to her.

"Well you better be ready because we battle head to head daily" she smiled and walked off.

"wait i don't know where to go!" i yelled to her getting farther away.

"Just FOLLOW ME!" She yelled. And so i did. We got to the doors to see bleachers where everyone was sitting at. and i wen't to go sit down.

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