Chapter Forty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Bettys mind stopped. All this time her sister was right in front of her, quite physically less than a mile away , yet mentally another world away. A million thoughts ran across her mind, her face remained hard and confused.

"I don't know what to say..." Bettys heart broke at the pain spread across Toni's, her sisters, face.

"I know I have a lot to explain... so please give me chance." She pleaded , gesturing to the tree.

Betty followed silently, sitting back and resting her head against the old tree, her sister by her side.

"I only found out .. about us about a year back... I didn't realise I was adopted."

"I'm so sorry...." Betty chocked out.

"Yeah it was ruff.." She explained, heart damping a smidge.

"How are we in the same grade? My mom said you and Joaquin were born when she was a teenager making you..."

"Twenty One. Yeah.. I was held back a few grades, didn't start school until I was older. But hey at least I'm at the top of my class. Anyway I'm graduating early, I caught up on a lot."

"Oh.." Was all Betty could fathom.

"I'm going to wipe the slate clean... tell you everything I know. Then if you still want to be sisters... we can work something out."

"Of course I want to have a relationship with you... for months I have been trying to track you down. I'm not just going to throw this all away.."

"You might when you hear the truth. What I have done, you will not look at me in the same light." A tear trickled down her cheek.

Betty just nodded, unsure if she wanted to hear what Toni was about to say. Toni pulled across her back pack, unzipping it. She took out a large bottle of wine, red of some description. She unscrewed the cap and took a swig, almost as if the alcohol gave her the confidence and ability to confess her sins. She held the bottle out to Betty, offering her a drink. Betty should have turned it away, she knows the affects of alcohol on the human brain- how if affects judgment and decision. But after a day like to today and with fear of what's to come. She gratefully gripped the bottle , taking a big mouthful. Cringing at its sour taste and how it danced on her tongue. Instantly regretting the swig, despite it taking the edge off slightly, she handed the bottle back to where Toni was sat. She played with it in her hands as she began to speak.

"I guess I should start with when I first found out I was adopted. It was when my "moms" mother died and in her will left everything to her grandchildren of blood. I had two brothers at the time... we thought everything would be split between the three of us. I knew she never liked me, I was always her least favourite. I just always thought it was because I was the only girl... but no. It was because I wasn't welcomed into the family naturally. It was then when my Mom and Dad had to explain to me why, I was only fifteen and a little angst. So naturally I ran away." She began to peel away the bottles sticker, losing the ability to sit and explain, she had to divert her attention else where. Betty pulled her legs to her chest, her baby blue sweater to providing enough warmth.

"I found a new home a few towns over, on the wrong side of the tracks. A quaint little home that took anyone in, no questions asked. I was set back a couple of grades, I was always small for my age so I fit right in. I started my new life as the edgy Toni Topaz, no one could trace me that way."

"What was your old name?" Betty chimed in.

"Alexandra Blossom." Betty almost chocked on air.

"Wha-what?" Betty asked.

"Moe on that later... as I said this is a long story." Betty nodded , resting back.

She continued. "All I knew from my adopted parents was that my birth mother was originated from Riverdale, there was a hug chance she probably moved. But it was... it was something I just had to do. It took years and years of investigating, something we clearly get from our Mom, until I found out that in the same town, was another Blossom clan. It want hard to make the assumption, young , unwed, pregnant teen sends her child off to live with wealthy estranged family member. After months of working up the courage , I finally reached out to them. For some reason they played along, telling me it was the truth. I was the missing piece to their picture perfect family. I don't know... maybe they caught on that I was a secret Cooper child and constructed a complicated plan to take them down using me as their weapon, its all too confusing." She shifted closer to Betty.

"I should of known something was up from the start. They only let me visit during the night, they told me to keep it between us for the first few months an they only introduced me to Jason, not trusting Cheryl to keep her mouth shut. But I was finally happy, I was blinded by the fact everything was falling into place.... Me and Jason got really close over that year... he was my best friend, I knew about everything that was happening with your sis- our sister" She corrected herself. 

"I knew that they were going to run away together, it was actually me who gave him the idea. I wanted him to be happy. So when he turned up dead few weeks later... I blamed myself. It was then when I needed Cheryl the most and they turned me away, I began to suspect something was up. But I played along... I was in state of grief.. I needed a family and they played the role fittingly. " Betty felt sorrow, empathetic even. But she was in no state to show sympathy... she didn't know how to. Not in this situation.

"I was always following you and Jughead, even before I found out about us. You both were always better detective than the whole Riverdale police department put together. I was hoping you would lead me to the killer." To do what? Betty thought to herself. To kill them?

"But being on the south side... it led me to a few more clues than you two. I noticed how wiered F.P had been actin in the Serpents. It wasn't until I saw your Dad at the car that night... tampering with evidence I presume." Bettys heart stopped . It was her Dad who framed Jughead.

"So yeah, you Dad framed your boyfriend and his Dad, then ran away to paradise with his high school sweet heart leaving both children behind. What a picture perfect family.." Bettys face dropped. Even though it was true.. it still hurt when her family was called out to be the liars they truly are.

Toni noticed the way her face dropped, the way she hurt her. " I'm sorry .. I just mean.."

"-No its the truth... Continue with your story.. its starting to get cold." Betty said softly, wanting to escape the subject in its entirety.

"Well then I realised something fishy was up. I saw you and Jughead in his Dads trailer," Betty suddenly grew very self-conscious, especially after remembering what happened between herself and Jughead that day, not to be prude but it wasn't something she would like to be witnessed. 

Sensing Bettys discomfort she added " I only saw you both find the ring... nothing else." Betty redden at the statement, obvious at what Toni assumed.

"I followed you to your house, then you closed the blinds. I thought I was all out of luck... but then I checked my phone . You didn't turn your blue tooth off." Betty scorned herself, she knew she was forgetting something.

" I saw the video... my perfect family shattered. I saw red. I wanted them to suffer. I wanted them to feel the pain, Jason felt, that I felt. They were not my real parents, they were hiding me. Preventing my own happiness, for what? Some ancient family blood feud? I ran to their house, full intent to start a scene, argue with them. I wanted to hurt them. But when I got there, Cheryl was already knee deep in lighter fluid. Before she set the house on fire, I locked their bedroom door. I wasn't thinking straight, I wanted them dead." Betty held back a gasp, although it was deserved, her sister was a murderer. But if she was in the same place , would she do the same?

"I took the family car, sped as far away from the scene as possible. I dumped the car in old woods.. of the coast of the next town over. I told myself this was a chance to start a new life. To leave everything behind. I could have made something of myself, gotten back in touch with my old family. I could have made life perfect. But then..." She took a deeper swig of the red venom.

".. Then news made round that sweet Penelope Blossom survived. And it was almost like a revelation. The demon inside took over. My job want done yet..."

Betty swallowed. She was alone, in practically the middle of no where. Where no one knew she was with her murderess half sister. She didn't know how to feel... but one things for sure she may need another reality check before the night is over. The story is only just getting started...

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