12-Under Unfortunate Circumstances

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"I believe you lost her at the word 'think'" Alice laughed, causing me to crack a smile. Marlene huffed at us.

"It's way too early for this type of ridicule" she shook her head, getting out of bed to use the bathroom. "Anyways, are you ladies ready for the Hogsmeade trip today?" She asked, picking up her toothbrush. My head shot up. I had completely forgotten that the trip was today.

"Umm.. about that..." I trailed off, fiddling with my fingers. Marlene came out of the bathroom and glared at me.

"What? Do you have another date with Sirius?" She spoke with her toothbrush in her mouth, rolling her eyes sarcastically before turning around to spit in the sink.

"Ew no..." I shook my head, repulsed by the idea. "It's just that I have so much work to get done and I don't have the time to go to Hogsmeade and just walk around-"

"You are not missing this trip!" Marlene exclaimed, pointing her toothbrush at me accusingly. "You've only ever been on one trip and it wasn't even with your best friends!" She exclaimed.

"Honestly, I didn't even find Hogsmeade all that fun. There's nothing to do there besides shopping which I don't even enjoy" I rolled my eyes, looking back down at my book, ignoring how Marlene's jaw dropped.

"How do you not like shopping?!"

"Look, Estella. I think what Marlene is trying to get at here is that this is the last trip before the holidays. We won't get to go and hang out with each other for a while after this" Alice chimed in. I bit my lip, looking down at all the books strewn out before me.

"But my work-"

"-will be waiting for you when you come back" Alice chuckled, walking over to my bed. "Take a break for once. I know you like homework but this is a little excessive"

I thought for a moment, debating whether or not I should go. I'm pretty sure the negatives definitely outweigh the positives. First of all, it's freezing outside. It has been snowing non-stop for a few days. Second, I hate shopping. The only thing I can see myself doing there is getting a butterbeer. Otherwise, I'll just be miserably following Alice and Marlene around to all the shops. Finally, Sirius and the idiots he calls friends are likely to be there causing more trouble. And if I stay at the castle? Well, I get to enjoy my studying while drinking a warm glass of hot cocoa from the kitchens. The only thing swaying my opinion is Marlene's death glare.

"Fine... I'll go..." I huffed and Marlene and Alice high-fived. I would rather suffer than have Marlene hate me for the rest of the day. "Just don't expect me to be doing any shopping, ok?"

"All I ask is you try to loosen up a bit and have fun" Marlene gave me a triumphant smile after spitting out the toothpaste.

"Please, 'relax' is my middle name" I rolled my eyes in a joking way, and Marlene just about lost it.

"Says the girl with thousands of books surrounding her and a quill perched behind her ear" she shook her head, and I just smiled to myself.

"Can't wait to freeze to death"


Marlene, Alice, and I walked to Hogsmeade together all bundled up in our sweaters, jackets, scarves, and hats. Lily decided to stay back for some reason, and while Marlene fought her on it she wasn't as harsh as she was with me since Lily has gone on every trip up until now.

The path going to Hogsmeade was slippery and snow fell slowly as we walked. The teachers try to use magic to keep the paths clear but Filtch still has to go out once in a while to shovel. He is definitely not happy about that.

The Last Marauder Standing || Sirius BlackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin