Chapter 6

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Friday arrives, and it is a joyous day where thousands of students run out the school doors and out to make havoc.


Pidge becomes more and more terrified at the notion of going back to the family home. Grandma was apparently hosting it this time.

"Grandma also says you and your boyfriend are to come round on Saturday and stay the night for Sunday, and Sunday will be the gathering. You can return to school on Monday," her mother says, seeming to be reading off from a phone text. "She's looking forward to meeting the person who finally 'tamed' you. 

Pidge immediately wants to start screaming, and yelling into the phone. 

But something in Pidge stops her from screaming. Maybe its because she can hear what lies behind her mother's words, that she doesn't really want Pidge to fall into the trap. But Pidge decides to forge on anyway. 

"Tell her that I'm still as free as I used to be," Pidge snaps, her mother's breathing hitching. "And that so is my boyfriend."

Pidge clicks the phone off, thrusting it harshly into her pocket. 

Well, Grandma was about to be in for a surprise. 


"Pidgeeeeee, Shiro's on my back again about how we haven't given him a fundraiser plan and its almost the end of the weeeeek," Lance whines, repetitively poking Pidge in the back as she tries to read her manual, sitting at her desk. Pidge swats his hand away, continuing to read the manual. 

"What are you even reading?" he asks, trying to reach his arm over to grab it. Pidge dodges, knocking his arm away again. 

"I'm just getting ideas for Voltron."

"You're already naming it?" 

"It's the best name I can think of as of now," Pidge responds. Her fingers traces a line on the manual. 

Law #1: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

"Well, its not a very good one, considering its just the club name-"

Pidge doesn't listen, the line echoing through her head. 

Law number one. 

Law number one. 

Do not allow a human being to ever come to harm. 

She scribbles it down on a notepad, sticking it on her wall. 

"Pidge?" Lance cranes his neck, waving his hand in her face. Pidge swats it away, making a face at him.

"I'm still alive, moron."

"Pidgeotto, you never did explain what's gonna happen tomorrow," Lance casually mentions, twirling a pillow on his index finger. Pidge watches him, blinking fast. She grabs a pillow, trying to imitate him (and sorely failing), having to hold herself back from whacking Lance after he laughs himself sore at her. 

"Well, that's kind of because Mom really only told me what was going on today," Pidge defends. "And its a little more than what I asked you for..."

Pidge rubs the back of her neck, looking down at the bed. 

"I'm basically hogging your whole weekend," she admits. "To hang out with my nutty relatives and pretend that you're in love with me."  To her surprise, Lance smiles, shrugging. 

The look that he gives her startles her, scares her, and stirs something within her, all in one. 

"You say that like its a bad thing. Just tell me what I've gotta pack and I'll be there."

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