The science was devoted to serving invincible Reich, giving birth to all new ways of destruction of rebellion's remains and controlling of own representatives of the chosen race. What can be stronger than the science, given to the mercy of mad geniuses? It gave citizens of the Empire, true Aryans, a hope for immortality. And history is always being written by the winners.

"Heil! Heil! Heil!" greetings to a new day and their immortal Fuhrer of awakening from their night dreams citizens were filling streets of Empire's city.

"Heil! Heil! Heil!" everything sank in this merged in a one huge cacophony polyphony, every morning for many decades already.

"Heil! Heil! Heil!" and there was no rescue from this mad roar of living dead people.



"Hey! Quietly! Wing on the right!" the elderly Angel with a charred left wing and three golden feathers in a white right, all of a sudden entered the room, where several young recruits fussed around unusual device, forcibly pushing each other with their grayish-white wings in their desire to glance into the sphere of this probabilistic and time demodulator. At the sight of their chief, they immediately flew away from the sphere and stood in a row, soaring at a small height over a shining with an azure light floor of this institution.

In a clear human language this institution was called as Angelic Military Academy, and so suddenly appeared in this apartment colonel was one of the deputies of its top command. The device, which has drawn the attention of young Angels, was designed for a modulation – a viewing of the events, taking place in a real time in various worlds, where graduates of the Academy had to travel from time to time with special assignments and missions. And it was called probabilistic due to a reason that it allowed to estimate dynamics of a change of probabilities of scenarios of various events, as well as to study those scenarios, which could have happened in examined worlds but haven't due to some reasons.

And colonel just found our cadets exactly when they were viewing such unrealized scenario of the human planet, known as "Earth".

This device, even though it was one of the latest perspective scientific development of the Academy, wasn't one of a kind. What wasn't developed behind its walls by Angels-engineers and further used in practice in their missions by Angels-cadets! There were generators of energetic barriers, capable to protect whole nations of physical worlds from adverse events; defensive helmets for a protection of mind of certain people from the influence of false ideas and negative feelings, generated and directed to them by demonic opponents; infamous in human worlds bows of engineer Amur, which were striking their victims and never missing; armor suits made from angelic fluff, allowing worthy people to survive inexplicably, coming out dry from waters of accidents; there was even a well-known generator of alpha rays, capable to alter space, so that enemy bullets and shells cannot touch human fighters; beta-beams generator was used to change some of the local probabilities of events at the right time in order to encourage worthy people or punish guilty ones; beams of gamma-generator gave inflow of new powers to whole groups or nations of people, if their course of life was recognized as worthy by the Law. And this was just a short sample from a whole list of Academy's miracles.

"Quietly!" meanwhile continued that elderly colonel, who has come through many battles with demons. "Who gave permission to use the demodulator without due induction?" and colonel severely looked over scared recruits with his golden-colored eyes. "Perhaps, I should send all of you to a mission on Earth?" he sounded his thoughts as if purposely.

"In no way, comrade colonel!" stammering, answered one of the young cadets, having put his right wing to a head. "Veterans speak – there are hard times there right now. And we lack the necessary combat experience, sir!"

"You are completely right, greenhorn!" colonel grinned. "You don't even know yet how to counter-attack a simple human depression, but already tried to watch events scenarios. Now, who will tell me, what does the first law of Spiritual-dynamics tell us?"

"The first law of Spiritual-dynamics, sir, says, sir, that in favorable external conditions a soul grows wider and becomes softer and kinder, sir! And in unfavorable it contracts and becomes firmer and tougher, sir!" the same young cadet replied it as a tongue twister.

"This is a correct answer, you, greenhorn!" colonel barked in ears of his cadets. "All of you should learn it by heart and wing by tomorrow! And don't you dare to use demodulator again without holding a proper induction. Is that all clear?"

"Aye-aye, sir!" hanging in the air Angels answered simultaneously as in a chorus.

"Otherwise I will send you all to the Earth tomorrow," colonel thought silently. "Times are truly hard out there."


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